Interweaving Disciplines to Advance Chemistry: Applying
Polyoxometalates in Biology
Posted on 2021-04-01 - 23:12
This Viewpoint brings
awareness of the challenges and subsequent
breakthroughs at the intersection of different disciplines, illustrated
by the example of the influence biological entities exerted on a huge
class of inorganic coordination compounds, called polyoxometalates
(POMs). We highlight the possible effects of biological systems on
POMs that need to be considered, thereby emphasizing the depth and
complexity of interdisciplinary work. We map POMs’ structural,
electrochemical, and stability properties in the presence of biomolecules
and stress the potential challenges related to inorganic coordination
chemistry carried out in biological systems. This Viewpoint shows
that new chemistry is available at the intersections between disciplines
and aims to guide the community toward a discussion about current
as well as future trends in truly interdisciplinary work.
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Gumerova, Nadiia
I.; Rompel, Annette (2021). Interweaving Disciplines to Advance Chemistry: Applying
Polyoxometalates in Biology. ACS Publications. Collection.