
Three accurate mass retention time (AMRT) databases generated from IROA Technologies Metabolite Library of Standards by LC-QTOF-MS analysis

Version 2 2019-02-17, 10:09
Version 1 2019-02-14, 16:49
Posted on 2019-02-17 - 10:09
This collection contains three AMRT databases generated from 619 metabolite standards (IROA Technologies Metabolite Library of Standards - Sigma Aldrich, UK) by LC-QTOF-MS analysis. The AMRT databases and analytical parameters used for their acquisition have been shared as a resource for researchers working in the field of metabolomics.

This work was undertaken as part of a research collaboration between the Alkaptonuria Research Group (Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease, University of Liverpool and Royal Liverpool University Hopsitals Trust) and Agilent Technologies UK Ltd.


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The authors are grateful to the following organizations for funding this research. BPN is funded by the University of Liverpool, Royal Liverpool University Hospitals Trust and Agilent Technologies UK Ltd. ASD is funded through a National Institute for Health Research (grant code: HCS DRF-2014-05-009). All reagents were purchased through this grant. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.


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