
Theoretical Design for the Non-Toxic and Earth-Abundant Perovskite Solar Cell Absorber Materials

Posted on 2020-06-16 - 05:04

Though perovskite solar cells have good prospects, they also have some disadvantages, especially the impact of Pb on the environment and the use of expensive elements, which makes their production difficult to industrialize. Using first-principle density functional theory, we have investigated the geometric structures, electronic structures, and optical absorption coefficients of non-toxic and earth-abundant 1B-based perovskite solar cell absorbers. Our results show that Cs2AgAuI6, a toxin-free and inexpensive AgAu-based perovskite solar cell absorber, is suitable for use. It has a suitable HSE bandgap (1.289 eV) and a sharp absorption coefficient (~105 cm−1). Meanwhile, it is beneficial to the average electron and hole effective masses are 0.346 and 0.316 m0 respectively. The phonon spectra show that it is stable. Because the d-orbital energy of Cu is higher than those of Ag and Au, CuAu-based perovskite is not stable. This can be seen from the phonon spectra. Therefore, our calculations could provide strong evidence for the experimental synthesis of lead-free and low-cost perovskite solar cell absorber materials.


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