
Supplementary material from "Mathematical models incorporating a multi-stage cell cycle replicate normally hidden inherent synchronization in cell proliferation"

Posted on 2019-08-06 - 10:11
We present a suite of experimental data showing that cell proliferation assays, prepared using standard methods thought to produce asynchronous cell populations, persistently exhibit inherent synchronization. Our experiments use fluorescent cell cycle indicators to reveal the normally hidden cell synchronization, by highlighting oscillatory subpopulations within the total cell population. These oscillatory subpopulations would never be observed without these cell cycle indicators. On the other hand, our experimental data show that the total cell population appears to grow exponentially, as in an asynchronous population. We reconcile these seemingly inconsistent observations by employing a multi-stage mathematical model of cell proliferation that can replicate the oscillatory subpopulations. Our study has important implications for understanding and improving experimental reproducibility. In particular, inherent synchronization may affect the experimental reproducibility of studies aiming to investigate cell cycle-dependent mechanisms, including changes in migration and drug response.


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