Supplementary material from "Controlled fluorescence in a beetle's photonic structure and its sensitivity to environmentally induced changes"
Version 2 2016-12-19, 13:24Version 2 2016-12-19, 13:24
Version 1 2016-12-12, 11:33Version 1 2016-12-12, 11:33
Posted on 2016-12-19 - 13:24
The scales covering the elytra of the male Hoplia coerulea beetle contain fluorophores embedded within a porous photonic structure. The photonic structure controls both insect colour (reflected light) and fluorescence emission. Herein, the effects of water-induced changes on the fluorescence emission from the beetle were investigated. The fluorescence emission peak wavelength was observed to blue-shift on water immersion of the elytra whereas its reflectance peak wavelength was observed to red-shift. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements, together with optical simulations, confirmed that the radiative emission is controlled by a naturally engineered photonic bandgap while the elytra are in the dry state, whereas non-radiative relaxation pathways dominate the emission response of wet elytra.
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Mouchet, Sébastien R.; Lobet, Michaël; Kolaric, Branko; Kaczmarek, Anna M.; Deun, Rik Van; Vukusic, Peter; et al. (2016). Supplementary material from "Controlled fluorescence in a beetle's photonic structure and its sensitivity to environmentally induced changes". The Royal Society. Collection.