
Realization of Spin-dependent Functionality by Covering a Metal Surface with a Single Layer of Molecules

Version 4 2019-09-06, 10:13
Version 3 2019-09-04, 11:03
Version 2 2019-09-03, 10:03
Version 1 2019-08-27, 15:05
Posted on 2019-09-06 - 10:13
An interface of molecule and metal has attracted much attention in the research field of nanoelectronics because of their high degree of design freedom. Here, we demonstrate an efficient spin-to-charge current conversion at the metal surface covered by a single layer of molecules. Spin currents are injected into an interface between metal (Cu) and lead­(II) phthalocyanine by means of the spin pumping method. An observed voltage signal is caused by the inverse Edelstein effect, i.e., spin-to-charge current conversion at the interface. The conversion coefficient, inverse Edelstein length, is estimated to be 0.40 ± 0.06 nm, comparable with the largest Rashba spin splitting of interfaces with heavy metals. Interestingly, the Edelstein length strongly depends on the thickness of the molecule and takes a maximum value when a single layer of molecules is formed on the Cu surface. Comparative analysis between scanning probe microscopy and first-principles calculations reveal that the formation of interface state with Rashba spin splitting causes the inverse Edelstein effect, whose magnitude is sensitive to the adsorption configuration of the molecules.


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