
Modal Symmetry Controlled Second-Harmonic Generation by Propagating Plasmons

Version 2 2019-08-29, 12:35
Version 1 2019-08-29, 12:33
Posted on 2019-08-29 - 12:35
A new concept for second-harmonic generation (SHG) in an optical nanocircuit is proposed. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that the symmetry of an optical mode alone is sufficient to allow SHG even in centro-symmetric structures made of centro-symmetric material. The concept is realized using a plasmonic two-wire transmission-line (TWTL), which simultaneously supports a symmetric and an antisymmetric mode. We first confirm that emission of second-harmonic light into the symmetric mode of the waveguide is symmetry-allowed when the fundamental excited waveguide modes are either purely symmetric or antisymmetric. We further switch the emission into the antisymmetric mode when a controlled mixture of the fundamental modes is excited simultaneously. Our results open up a new degree of freedom into the designs of nonlinear optical components and should pave a new avenue toward multifunctional nanophotonic circuitry.


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