
Light field display with ellipsoidal mirror array and single projector

Posted on 2019-07-19 - 14:52
We present a method to create light field display using a single projector and an array of plane mirrors. Mirrors can reproduce densely arranged virtual projectors regardless of the physical size of the real projector, thus producing a light field display of competitive ray density. We propose an ellipsoidal geometric framework and a design pipeline, and use parametric modelling technique to automatically generate the display configurations satisfying target design parameters. Three units of mirror array light field display systems have been implemented to evaluate the proposed methodologies. More importantly, we have experimentally verified that the high-density light field produced by our method can naturally evoke accommodation of the eyes, thereby reducing the vergence-accommodation conflict. The mirror array approach allows flexible trading between the spatial and angular resolutions for accommodating different applications, thus providing a practical solution to realize projection-based light field display.


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3D-Printed Materials and Systems
AAPG Bulletin
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Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
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