Host availability drives distributions of fungal endophytes in the imperilled boreal realm
Posted on 2019-09-23 - 16:16 authored by Jana U'Ren
The collection includes the raw MiSeq ITS2 data, metadata, Sanger sequences, and PDF files of Supplementary Figures 12-15.
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U'Ren, Jana; Lutzoni, Francois; Miadlikowska, Jolanta; Zimmerman, Naupaka; Carbone, Ignazio; May, Georgiana; et al. (2019). Host availability drives distributions of fungal endophytes in the imperilled boreal realm. figshare. Collection.
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Dimensions: Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Study of Hyperdiverse Endophytic Fungi and Their Function in Boreal Forests
Directorate for Biological Sciences
Dimensions: Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Study of Hyperdiverse Fungal Endophytes and Their Function in Boreal Forests
Directorate for Biological Sciences
Dimensions: Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Study of Hyperdiverse Endophytic Fungi and Their Function in Boreal Forests
Directorate for Biological Sciences
Dimensions: Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Study of Hyperdiverse Endophytic Fungi and Their Function in Boreal Forests
Directorate for Biological Sciences
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