
Environmentally Benign Metal-Free Reduction of GO Using Molecular Hydrogen: A Mechanistic Insight

Posted on 2018-11-08 - 14:58
A simple yet effective methodology to obtain high-quality reduced graphene oxide (RGO) using a tetrahydrofuran suspension of GO under hydrogen at moderate pressure has been demonstrated. The extent of reduction as a function of the pressure of hydrogen gas, temperature, and time was studied, where the abstraction of oxygen is achievable with least mutilation of C-sp2 bonds, hence upholding the integrity of the graphene sheet. Herein, the formation of a short-lived species is proposed, which is possibly responsible for such reduction. A detailed theoretical calculation along with in situ UV–visible experiments reveals the existence of a transient solvated electron species in the reaction medium. The hydrogen RGO (HRGO) achieved a C/O atomic ratio of 11.3. The conductivity measurements show that HRGO reached as high as 934 S/m, which indicates a high quality of RGO. The process is hassle-free, environmentally benign, and can be scaled up effortlessly without compromising the quality of the material.


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