
Žiga Kokalj


  • Land cover mapping using Landsat satellite image classification in the classical Karst - Kras region
  • Archaeological landscape, settlement dynamics, and sociopolitical organization in the Chactún area of the central Maya Lowlands
  • Vizuelizacija rasterskih podataka laserskog skeniranja iz zraka
  • Urban heat island in the Ljubljana City
  • Transformation of the Jeruzalem hills cultural landscape with modern vineyard terraces
  • Roof orientations of the existing building stock in Slovenia
  • Tree species classification using worldview-2 satellite images and laser scanning data in a natural urban forest
  • Turbulent political circumstances bear on Colombians in a perpetual circle of violence,Kolumbija - Primer pomena stabilnih političnih razmer
  • Land cover map of Slovenia from Landsat satellite imagery,Ugotavljanje pokrovnosti Slovenije iz satelitskih posnetkov Landsat
  • Airborne lidar and historic environment records
  • Application of sky-view factor for the visualisation of historic landscape features in lidar-derived relief models
  • Sky-view factor as a relief visualization technique
  • Effects of lossy JPEG2000 compression method on worldview-2 image classification,Vpliv stiskanja JPEG2000 z izgubami na klasifikacijo posnetkov worldview-2
  • Transformation of spatial data to line segments - A case study of noise impact from a highway section between Brezovica and Logatec,Preoblikovanje prostorskih podatkov na dolžinske odseke na primeru vpliva hrupa vzdolž odseka avtoceste med brezovico in logatcem
  • Land cover map of Slovenia (based on Landsat satellite images),Ugotavljanje pokrovnosti iz satelitskih posnetkov
  • Solar energy exploitation on Kras,Izkoriščanje sončne energije na Krasu
  • Visualization of lidar-derived relief models for detection of archaeological features
  • The effect of lossy image compression on object based image classification - WorldView-2 case study
  • Triglav national park historical maps analysis,Analiza zgodovinskega kartografskega gradiva triglavskega narodnega parka
  • A lidar, GIS and basic spatial statistic application for the study of ravine and palaeo-ravine evolution in the upper Vipava valley, SW Slovenia
  • Comparison of methods for geomorphometric analysis of surface roughness in the vipava valley,Primerjava Metod Za Geomorfometrične Analize Hrapavosti Površja Na Primeru Vipavske Doline
  • Space lidar for archaeology? Reanalyzing GEDI data for detection of ancient Maya buildings
  • Automatic detection of japanese knotweed in urban areas from aerial and satellite data
  • Ancient Maya water management, agriculture, and society in the area of Chactún, Campeche, Mexico
  • Different visualizations and used data sources of the mountain battlefield on the Soča/Isonzo front line
  • Delineation of vacant building land using orthophoto and lidar data object classification,Zajem nepozidanih stavbnih zemljišč z objektno klasifikacijo podatkov ortofota in aerolaserskega skeniranja
  • Crossing Borders: A Multi-Layer GIS Mapping Framework for the Cultural Management of the Mundo Maya Region
  • Earth Observation for agricultural drought monitoring in the Pannonian Basin (southeastern Europe): current state and future directions
  • Fluvial gravel bar mapping with spectral signal mixture analysis
  • Why Not a Single Image? Combining Visualizations to Facilitate Fieldwork and On-Screen Mapping
  • VAT Method for Visualization of Mass Movement Features: An Alternative to Hillshaded DEM
  • Airborne laser scanning raster data visualization
  • Vrednotenje pokrajinskoekoloških tipov Slovenije v luči pokrovnosti, izdelane s klasifikacijo satelitskih posnetkov Landsat
  • Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN
  • Spectral signal mixture analysis of Sentinel-2 imagery for mapping rivers and riparian areas
  • Detection and mapping of invasive non-native plant species using Sentinel-2 satellite images
  • Domači odzivi na globalne izzive
  • Design and implementation of a Drought User Service
  • Machine learning-ready remote sensing data for Maya archaeology
  • Challenges for the viticultural landscape – The case of Vipava Hills in Slovenia
  • Zaznavanje olesenele vegetacije s konvolucijsko nevronsko mrežo U-Net

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