
Jingjing Liang


  • Matrix Model of Forest Dynamics: An Overview and Outlook
  • Mapping large-scale forest dynamics: a geospatial approach
  • A geospatial model of forest dynamics with controlled trend surface
  • Matrix Models for Size-Structured Populations: Unrealistic Fast Growth or Simply Diffusion?
  • Large-Scale Geospatial Mapping of Forest Carbon Dynamics
  • Factors influencing large wildland fire suppression expenditures
  • Adaptive versus fixed policies for economic or ecological objectives in forest management
  • Effects of productivity on biodiversity in forest ecosystems across the United States and China
  • Biodiversity influences plant productivity through niche–efficiency
  • Economics of Wildfire Management
  • Cooperative Alaska Forest Inventory
  • CalPro: a spreadsheet program for the management of California mixed-conifer stands.
  • Forest value: More than commercial—Response
  • Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests
  • The number of tree species on Earth.
  • Higher productivity in forests with mixed mycorrhizal strategies
  • Spatial distribution of planted forests in East Asia (final products)
  • Spatial distribution of planted forests in East Asia (code, training datasets, and models)
  • Spatial database of planted forests in East Asia using machine learning (final products)
  • Science-i Cyberinfrastructure for Forest Ecosystem Research
  • Maximizing carbon sequestration potential in Chinese forests through optimal management
  • Maximizing carbon sequestration potential in Chinese forests through optimal management
  • Biodiversity buffers the response of spring leaf unfolding to climate warming
  • Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions
  • Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions
  • The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit
  • The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit
  • Consistent climatic controls of global wood density among angiosperms and gymnosperms
  • Consistent climatic controls of global wood density among angiosperms and gymnosperms
  • Mapping Planted Forests in the Korean Peninsula Using Artificial Intelligence
  • CSSI Elements: Science-i Cyberinfrastructure for Forest Ecosystem Research
  • CSSI Elements: Science-i Cyberinfrastructure for Forest Ecosystem Research

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Co-workers & collaborators

Weixue Luo

Weixue Luo

Xiaolu Tang

Xiaolu Tang

Jingjing Liang's public data