
Tuomas Aakala


  • A scale space approach for estimating the characteristic feature sizes in hierarchical signals
  • Reliability of temperature signal in various climate indicators from northern Europe
  • North Fennoscandian mountain forests
  • Dendroecological Applications to Coarse Woody Debris Dynamics
  • Dead standing pine trees in a boreal forest landscape in the Kalevala National park, northern Fennoscandia
  • Metsät
  • Forest fire histories and tree age structures in Värriö and Maltio Strict Nature Reserves, northern Finland
  • Effects of competition, drought stress and photosynthetic productivity on the radial growth of white spruce in western Canada
  • Multiscale variation in drought controlled historical forest fire activity in the boreal forests of eastern Fennoscandia
  • How to Calibrate Historical Aerial Photographs: A Change Analysis of Naturally Dynamic Boreal Forest Landscapes
  • Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen fluxes and pools in forest ecosystem
  • Microsite occupancy and the spatial structure of understorey regeneration in three late-successional Norway spruce forests in Northern Europe
  • Kuolleen puun määrän ja laadun vaihtelu vanhoissa boreaalisissa metsissä
  • Reprint of
  • Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off
  • TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access
  • Increase in dead wood, large living trees and tree diversity, yet decrease in understory vegetation cover: The effect of three decades of biodiversity-oriented forest policy in Swedish forests
  • Local forest continuity – important for species-rich Micarea lichen communities, but less so for decomposers
  • The structure of boreal old-growth forests changes at multiple spatial scales over decades
  • Temporal variability of deadwood volume and quality in boreal old-growth forests
  • Newtonian boreal forest ecology
  • Natural forest dynamics in boreal Fennoscandia: A review and Classification
  • Spatial tree community structure in three stands across a forest succession gradient in northern boreal Fennoscandia
  • Tree mortality episodes in the intact Picea abies-dominated taiga in the Arkhangelsk region of northern European Russia
  • TRADER: A package for Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R
  • Even-aged and uneven-aged forest management in boreal fennoscandia: A review
  • The old Norway spruce forests of northern boreal fennoscandia are alive and well: A review of sirén (1955)
  • Crown asymmetry in high latitude forests: Disentangling the directional effects of tree competition and solar radiation
  • Episodic, patchy disturbances characterize an old-growth Picea abies dominated forest landscape in northeastern Europe
  • Quantifying carbon stores and decomposition in dead wood: A review
  • Sine-skewed axial distributions with an application for fallen tree data
  • Changes in nitrogen content and isotopic composition in subarctic Empetrum nigrum seeds in the period 1976-2010
  • Long-term mortality rates and spatial patterns in an old-growth Pinus resinosa forest
  • Spectral characteristics of pine needles at the limit of tree growth in subarctic Finland
  • Circular distributions of fallen logs as an indicator of forest disturbance regimes
  • Spatially random mortality in old-growth red pine forests of northern Minnesota
  • Summer droughts depress radial growth of Picea abies in pristine taiga of the Arkhangelsk province, northwestern Russia
  • A prominent stepwise advance of the tree line in north-east Finland
  • Influence of competition and age on tree growth in structurally complex old-growth forests in northern Minnesota, USA
  • At What Scales and Why Does Forest Structure Vary in Naturally Dynamic Boreal Forests? An Analysis of Forest Landscapes on Two Continents
  • Globally consistent climate sensitivity of natural disturbances across boreal and temperate forest ecosystems
  • Early-Warning Signals of Individual Tree Mortality Based on Annual Radial Growth
  • Integrating fire-scar, charcoal and fungal spore data to study fire events in the boreal forest of northern Europe
  • The roles of competition and climate in tree growth variation in northern boreal old-growth forests
  • A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality
  • Kelot - Kalevalaisen metsän ominaispiirre
  • Effects of local forest continuity on the diversity of fungi on standing dead pines
  • Low growth resilience to drought is related to future mortality risk in trees
  • Moisture content variation of ground vegetation fuels in boreal mesic and sub-xeric mineral soil forests in Finland
  • Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality
  • Tree mortality agents in pristine Norway spruce forests in northern Fennoscandia
  • Spatial distribution of dead wood and the occurrence of five saproxylic fungi in old-growth timberline spruce forests in northern Finland
  • Contrasting patterns of tree mortality in late-successional Picea abies stands in two areas in northern Fennoscandia
  • Coarse woody debris in late-successional Picea abies forests in northern Europe: Variability in quantities and models of decay class dynamics
  • Trees dying standing in the northeastern boreal old-growth forests of Quebec: Spatial patterns, rates, and temporal variation
  • Standing dead trees and their decay-class dynamics in the northeastern boreal old-growth forests of Quebec
  • Tuulituhoalueen puustomittaukset
  • Tree mortality and deadwood dynamics in late-successional boreal forests
  • Puuston kuolleisuus ja lahopuun dynamiikka vanhoissa boreaalisissa metsissä
  • Aarniometsien, myrskytuhojen ja Cajanderin jäljillä Itä-Karjalassa
  • Towards an ecosystem approach to managing the boreal forest in the north shore region
  • Vers un aménagement écosystémique de lat forêt boréale de la Côte-Nord
  • Puiden kuolinsyyt pohjoisen Fennoskandian luonnontilaisissa kuusimetsissä
  • Pienialaisten häiriöiden merkitys luonnontilaisen kuusimetsän rakenteelle ja kehitykselle
  • Metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaaminen metsänkäsittelyssä
  • Growth and development of forest ecosystems
  • Lahopuuinventoinnin menetelmien vertailu Nuuksion ulkoilualueilla
  • Carbon and nitrogen fluxes in a forest ecosystem
  • Revealing the Innovations in Late Medieval Roof Structures of Finland
  • Climatic and vegetational controls of Holocene wildfire regimes in the boreal forest of northern Fennoscandia
  • Human impact on forests in early twentieth century Finland
  • Multimillennial fire history of northern Finland along a latitude/elevation gradient
  • Harmonized decay classification for dead wood in Nordic national forest inventories
  • Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests
  • Exploring the Centennial-Scale Climate History of Southern Brazil with Ocotea porosa (Nees & Mart.) Barroso Tree-Rings
  • Ignition probability and fuel consumption of boreal ground vegetation fuels – an experimental study in Finland

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Co-workers & collaborators

Niko Kulha

Niko Kulha

Tuomas Aakala's public data