
Tijm Lanjouw

Humanities; Technology



  • 4DRL Report Series 7 - Two Sides of the Same Coin: Digitizing the Allard Pierson\textquoterights Roman coin collection using cross-polarisation photogrammetry and RTI
  • Photogrammetry and painted outdoor sculpture
  • Using Photogrammetry in Outdoor Sculpture Conservation
  • Virtual Past Places
  • De 3D-reconstructie van Vlooienburg: hoe wordt een buurt gereconstrueerd
  • Augmented Blended Learning
  • Westerbork Viewer
  • Blending the Material and the Digital: A Project at the Intersection of Museum Interpretation, Academic Research, and Experimental Archaeology
  • Making 4D: principles and standards for virtual reconstruction in the humanities by the 4D Research Lab
  • The use of photogrammetry in the conservation of painted outdoor sculpture
  • A virtual place of memory: Virtual reality as a method for communicating conflicted heritage at Camp Westerbork
  • 3DWorkSpace - an open science/interactive tool for 3D datasets
  • The UNESCO Pressroom: Conserving Linoleum Surfaces
  • 3D digital reconstruction of the Bloemstraat in Amsterdam in the 18th century
  • 4DRL Report Series 3 - The digital 3D reconstruction of the 18th c. Bloemstraat and Eerste Bloemdwarstraat
  • 4DRL Report Series 6 - Reconstructing the Shigiory Torbinata: Using 3D scanning as a tool for conserving the work of Ferdi
  • 4DRL Report Series 2 - The UNESCO Pressroom by Gerrit Rietveld: digital reconstruction for a study of colour use
  • 4DRL Report Series 8 - Scanning for restitution: Documenting the Allard Pierson\textquoterights Centuripe pyxis using cross-polarisation photogrammetry and RTI
  • 4DRL Report Series 1 - Making 4D: principles and standards for virtual reconstruction in the humanities by the 4D Research Lab

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