Thierry DUFOUR is full time associate-professor at Sorbonne Université and heads research activities at LPP (UMR 7648 - SU, CNRS, Ecole Polytech. X). He obtained his PhD in plasma physics at the University of Orleans (2009), became postdoctoral researcher at the University of Brussels (2010), was appointed Associate Professor at Sorbonne Université (2015) and then accredited for research supervision, HDR (2016). Today, he is member of LPP council, member of Plas@Par steering committee, and co-steers the research programme "Initiative Physique des Infinis" at Sorbonne Université. He is affiliated to the GDR Happybio (CNRS, #2025), the PLASTHER COST ACTION and the PLAGRI COST ACTION. He is also co-founder and ex-CEO of Auxoway S.A.S. His research work is currently focused on cold plasma physics applied to life sciences, including medicine (treatment of solid tumors : cholangiocarcinomas and non-small cell lung carcinomas), agriculture (seed dormancy release, seed decontamination, stimula


  • Les plasmas froids et le Vivant, de nouvelles avancées
  • Promoting lentil germination and stem growth by plasma activated tap water, demineralized water and liquid fertilizer
  • DBD in burst mode: solution for more efficient CO2 conversion?
  • How do the barrier thickness and dielectric material influence the filamentary mode and CO2 conversion in a flowing DBD?
  • Reactivity of water vapor in an atmospheric argon flowing post-discharge
  • The influence of power and frequency on the filamentary behavior of a flowing DBD – Application to the splitting of CO2
  • Fuel cell electrodes from organometallic platinum precursors: an easy atmospheric plasma approach
  • Understanding polyethylene surface functionalization by an atmospheric He/O2 plasma through combined experiments and simulations
  • Preparation and characterization of ultra-hydrophobic calcium carbonate nanoparticles
  • Plasma gun for medical applications: engineering an equivalent electrical target of the human body and deciphering relevant electrical parameters
  • Cold-Atmospheric Plasma Induces Tumor Cell Death in Preclinical In Vivo and In Vitro Models of Human Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Seed-packed dielectric barrier device for plasma agriculture: Understanding its electrical properties through an equivalent electrical model
  • Plasma-activation of tap water using DBD for agronomy applications: Identification and quantification of long lifetime chemical species and production/consumption mechanisms
  • Atmospheric pressure plasma jets applied to cancerology: correlating electrical configuration with in vivo toxicity and therapeutic efficiency
  • Self-organized patterns by a DC pin liquid anode discharge in ambient air: Effect of liquid types on formation
  • Reactivity of water vapour in an atmospheric pressure DBD – Application to LDPE surfaces
  • Hydrogen peroxide generated by an atmospheric He-O2-H2O flowing post-discharge: production mechanisms and absolute quantification
  • CO2 splitting by DBD: understanding the influence of electrical parameters and regimes
  • Synthesis and texturization processes of (super)-hydrophobic fluorinated surfaces by atmospheric plasma
  • Chemical and physical effects of the carrier gas on the atmospheric pressure PECVD of fluorinated precursors
  • CO2-CH4 conversion and syngas formation at atmospheric pressure using a multi-electrode dielectric barrier discharge
  • LDPE surface modifications induced by atmospheric plasma torches with linear and showerhead configurations
  • A combined study for turning CO2 and H2O into value-added products in a dielectric barrier discharge
  • Effect of cationic and anionic surfactants on application of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in paper coating
  • In-depth diffusion of oxygen into LDPE exposed to an Ar-O2 atmospheric post-discharge: a complementary approach between ARXPS and Tof-SIMS techniques
  • Low-density polyethylene films treated by an atmospheric Ar-O2 post-discharge: functionalization, etching, degradation and partial recovery of the native wettability state
  • Ignition and extinction phenomena in helium micro-hollow cathode discharges
  • Competitive and synergistic effects between excimer VUV radiation and O radicals on the etching mechanisms of polyethylene and fluoropolymer surfaces treated by an atmospheric He-O2 post-discharge
  • Cold plasma endoscopy applied to biliary ducts: feasibility risk assessment on human-like and porcine models for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma
  • Cyto- and bio-compatibility assessment of plasma-treated polyvinylidene fluoride scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering
  • Transmission and multiple reflection mechanisms of guided streamers propagating through grounded annular electrode and interacting with grounded surface electrode
  • The influence of power and frequency on the filamentary behavior of a flowing DBD - Application to the splitting of CO2
  • From Repeatability to Self-Organization of Guided Streamers Propagating in a Jet of Cold Plasma
  • Molecular acclimation of Halobacterium salinarum to halite brine inclusions
  • Sustainable improvement of seeds vigor using dry atmospheric plasma priming: Evidence through coating wettability, water uptake, and plasma reactive chemistry
  • Cold plasma treatment of seeds: deciphering the role of contact surfaces through multiple exposures, randomizing and stirring
  • From Basics to Frontiers: A Comprehensive Review of Plasma-Modified and Plasma-Synthesized Polymer Films
  • Low-density polyethylene films treated by an atmospheric Ar-O2 post-discharge: Functionalization, etching, degradation and partial recovery of the native wettability state
  • Understanding polyethylene surface functionalization by an atmospheric He/O2 plasma through combined experiments and simulations
  • Chemical and Physical Effects of the Carrier Gas on the Atmospheric Pressure PECVD of Fluorinated Precursors
  • Preparation and characterization of ultra-hydrophobic calcium carbonate nanoparticles
  • Effect of cationic and anionic surfactants on the application of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in paper coating
  • Synthesis and texturization processes of (super)-hydrophobic fluorinated surfaces by atmospheric plasma
  • LDPE surface modifications induced by atmospheric plasma torches with linear and showerhead configurations
  • In-depth diffusion of oxygen into LDPE exposed to an Ar-O2 atmospheric post-discharge: A complementary approach between AR-XPS and Tof-SIMS techniques
  • Fuel Cell Electrodes From Organometallic Platinum Precursors: An Easy Atmospheric Plasma Approach
  • Ignition and extinction phenomena in helium micro hollow cathode discharges
  • CO2-CH4 conversion and syngas formation at atmospheric pressure using a multi-electrode dielectric barrier discharge
  • Competitive and synergistic effects between excimer VUV radiation and O radicals on the etching mechanisms of polyethylene and fluoropolymer surfaces treated by an atmospheric He-O2 post-discharge
  • Release of Arabidopsis seed dormancy by cold atmospheric plasma relies on cytoplasmic glass transition
  • Optical diagnostics and mass spectrometry on the afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma used for polymer surface treatment
  • Direct current parallel microdischarges in helium
  • Effect of limiting the cathode surface on DC micro-hollow cathode discharge in helium
  • Influence of ambient air on the flowing afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma
  • Chemical mechanisms inducing a DC current measured in the flowing post-discharge of an RF He-O2 plasma torch
  • PTFE surface etching in the afterglow of a scanning RF plasma torch: evidence of ejected fluorinated species
  • Etching processes of polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces exposed to He and He-O2 atmospheric post-discharges
  • Synthesis of Membrane-Electrode Assembly for Fuel Cells by Means of (Sub)-Atmospheric Plasma Processes
  • Gas sensing properties of multiwall carbon nanotubes decorated with rhodium nanoparticles
  • Carbon nanotubes decorated with gold, platinum and rhodium clusters by injection of colloidal solutions into the post-discharge of an RF atmospheric plasma
  • Integrated micro-plasmas in silicon operating in helium
  • Experimental study and simulation of a micro-discharge with limited cathode area
  • RF impedance measurements of DC atmospheric micro-discharges
  • Carbon nanotubes decorated with gold, platinum and rhodium clusters by injection of colloidal solutions into the post-discharge of an RF atmospheric plasma
  • Synthesis of membrane-electrode assembly for fuel cells by means of (sub)-atmospheric plasma processes
  • RF impedance measurements of DC atmospheric micro-discharges
  • Chemical mechanisms inducing a dc current measured in the flowing post-discharge of an RF He-O 2 plasma torch
  • Experimental study and simulation of a micro-discharge with limited cathode area
  • Integrated micro-plasmas in silicon operating in helium
  • Gas sensing properties of multiwall carbon nanotubes decorated with rhodium nanoparticles
  • Influence of ambient air on the flowing afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma
  • PTFE surface etching in the post-discharge of a scanning RF plasma torch: Evidence of ejected fluorinated species
  • Etching processes of polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces exposed to He and He-O 2 atmospheric post-discharges
  • Effect of limiting the cathode surface on direct current microhollow cathode discharge in helium
  • Cold plasma treatment boosts barley germination and seedling vigor: Insights into soluble sugar, starch, and protein modifications
  • Treatment of seeds by cold ambient air plasma: combining impedance measurements with water sorption modeling to understand the impact of seed hydration
  • Advancements in maize cultivation: synergistic effects of dry atmospheric plasma combined with plasma-activated water
  • Targeting cholangiocarcinoma cells by cold piezoelectric plasmas: in vitro efficacy and cellular mechanisms
  • Molecular Acclimation of Halobacterium salinarum to Halite Brine Inclusions

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