- Les plasmas froids et le Vivant, de nouvelles avancées
- Promoting lentil germination and stem growth by plasma activated tap water, demineralized water and liquid fertilizer
- DBD in burst mode: solution for more efficient CO2 conversion?
- How do the barrier thickness and dielectric material influence the filamentary mode and CO2 conversion in a flowing DBD?
- Reactivity of water vapor in an atmospheric argon flowing post-discharge
- The influence of power and frequency on the filamentary behavior of a flowing DBD – Application to the splitting of CO2
- Fuel cell electrodes from organometallic platinum precursors: an easy atmospheric plasma approach
- Understanding polyethylene surface functionalization by an atmospheric He/O2 plasma through combined experiments and simulations
- Preparation and characterization of ultra-hydrophobic calcium carbonate nanoparticles
- Plasma gun for medical applications: engineering an equivalent electrical target of the human body and deciphering relevant electrical parameters
- Cold-Atmospheric Plasma Induces Tumor Cell Death in Preclinical In Vivo and In Vitro Models of Human Cholangiocarcinoma
- Seed-packed dielectric barrier device for plasma agriculture: Understanding its electrical properties through an equivalent electrical model
- Plasma-activation of tap water using DBD for agronomy applications: Identification and quantification of long lifetime chemical species and production/consumption mechanisms
- Atmospheric pressure plasma jets applied to cancerology: correlating electrical configuration with in vivo toxicity and therapeutic efficiency
- Self-organized patterns by a DC pin liquid anode discharge in ambient air: Effect of liquid types on formation
- Reactivity of water vapour in an atmospheric pressure DBD – Application to LDPE surfaces
- Hydrogen peroxide generated by an atmospheric He-O2-H2O flowing post-discharge: production mechanisms and absolute quantification
- CO2 splitting by DBD: understanding the influence of electrical parameters and regimes
- Synthesis and texturization processes of (super)-hydrophobic fluorinated surfaces by atmospheric plasma
- Chemical and physical effects of the carrier gas on the atmospheric pressure PECVD of fluorinated precursors
- CO2-CH4 conversion and syngas formation at atmospheric pressure using a multi-electrode dielectric barrier discharge
- LDPE surface modifications induced by atmospheric plasma torches with linear and showerhead configurations
- A combined study for turning CO2 and H2O into value-added products in a dielectric barrier discharge
- Effect of cationic and anionic surfactants on application of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in paper coating
- In-depth diffusion of oxygen into LDPE exposed to an Ar-O2 atmospheric post-discharge: a complementary approach between ARXPS and Tof-SIMS techniques
- Low-density polyethylene films treated by an atmospheric Ar-O2 post-discharge: functionalization, etching, degradation and partial recovery of the native wettability state
- Ignition and extinction phenomena in helium micro-hollow cathode discharges
- Competitive and synergistic effects between excimer VUV radiation and O radicals on the etching mechanisms of polyethylene and fluoropolymer surfaces treated by an atmospheric He-O2 post-discharge
- Cold plasma endoscopy applied to biliary ducts: feasibility risk assessment on human-like and porcine models for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma
- Cyto- and bio-compatibility assessment of plasma-treated polyvinylidene fluoride scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering
- Transmission and multiple reflection mechanisms of guided streamers propagating through grounded annular electrode and interacting with grounded surface electrode
- The influence of power and frequency on the filamentary behavior of a flowing DBD - Application to the splitting of CO2
- From Repeatability to Self-Organization of Guided Streamers Propagating in a Jet of Cold Plasma
- Molecular acclimation of Halobacterium salinarum to halite brine inclusions
- Sustainable improvement of seeds vigor using dry atmospheric plasma priming: Evidence through coating wettability, water uptake, and plasma reactive chemistry
- Cold plasma treatment of seeds: deciphering the role of contact surfaces through multiple exposures, randomizing and stirring
- From Basics to Frontiers: A Comprehensive Review of Plasma-Modified and Plasma-Synthesized Polymer Films
- Low-density polyethylene films treated by an atmospheric Ar-O2 post-discharge: Functionalization, etching, degradation and partial recovery of the native wettability state
- Understanding polyethylene surface functionalization by an atmospheric He/O2 plasma through combined experiments and simulations
- Chemical and Physical Effects of the Carrier Gas on the Atmospheric Pressure PECVD of Fluorinated Precursors
- Preparation and characterization of ultra-hydrophobic calcium carbonate nanoparticles
- Effect of cationic and anionic surfactants on the application of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in paper coating
- Synthesis and texturization processes of (super)-hydrophobic fluorinated surfaces by atmospheric plasma
- LDPE surface modifications induced by atmospheric plasma torches with linear and showerhead configurations
- In-depth diffusion of oxygen into LDPE exposed to an Ar-O2 atmospheric post-discharge: A complementary approach between AR-XPS and Tof-SIMS techniques
- Fuel Cell Electrodes From Organometallic Platinum Precursors: An Easy Atmospheric Plasma Approach
- Ignition and extinction phenomena in helium micro hollow cathode discharges
- CO2-CH4 conversion and syngas formation at atmospheric pressure using a multi-electrode dielectric barrier discharge
- Competitive and synergistic effects between excimer VUV radiation and O radicals on the etching mechanisms of polyethylene and fluoropolymer surfaces treated by an atmospheric He-O2 post-discharge
- Release of Arabidopsis seed dormancy by cold atmospheric plasma relies on cytoplasmic glass transition
- Optical diagnostics and mass spectrometry on the afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma used for polymer surface treatment
- Direct current parallel microdischarges in helium
- Effect of limiting the cathode surface on DC micro-hollow cathode discharge in helium
- Influence of ambient air on the flowing afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma
- Chemical mechanisms inducing a DC current measured in the flowing post-discharge of an RF He-O2 plasma torch
- PTFE surface etching in the afterglow of a scanning RF plasma torch: evidence of ejected fluorinated species
- Etching processes of polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces exposed to He and He-O2 atmospheric post-discharges
- Synthesis of Membrane-Electrode Assembly for Fuel Cells by Means of (Sub)-Atmospheric Plasma Processes
- Gas sensing properties of multiwall carbon nanotubes decorated with rhodium nanoparticles
- Carbon nanotubes decorated with gold, platinum and rhodium clusters by injection of colloidal solutions into the post-discharge of an RF atmospheric plasma
- Integrated micro-plasmas in silicon operating in helium
- Experimental study and simulation of a micro-discharge with limited cathode area
- RF impedance measurements of DC atmospheric micro-discharges
- Carbon nanotubes decorated with gold, platinum and rhodium clusters by injection of colloidal solutions into the post-discharge of an RF atmospheric plasma
- Synthesis of membrane-electrode assembly for fuel cells by means of (sub)-atmospheric plasma processes
- RF impedance measurements of DC atmospheric micro-discharges
- Chemical mechanisms inducing a dc current measured in the flowing post-discharge of an RF He-O 2 plasma torch
- Experimental study and simulation of a micro-discharge with limited cathode area
- Integrated micro-plasmas in silicon operating in helium
- Gas sensing properties of multiwall carbon nanotubes decorated with rhodium nanoparticles
- Influence of ambient air on the flowing afterglow of an atmospheric pressure Ar/O2 radiofrequency plasma
- PTFE surface etching in the post-discharge of a scanning RF plasma torch: Evidence of ejected fluorinated species
- Etching processes of polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces exposed to He and He-O 2 atmospheric post-discharges
- Effect of limiting the cathode surface on direct current microhollow cathode discharge in helium
- Cold plasma treatment boosts barley germination and seedling vigor: Insights into soluble sugar, starch, and protein modifications
- Treatment of seeds by cold ambient air plasma: combining impedance measurements with water sorption modeling to understand the impact of seed hydration
- Advancements in maize cultivation: synergistic effects of dry atmospheric plasma combined with plasma-activated water
- Targeting cholangiocarcinoma cells by cold piezoelectric plasmas: in vitro efficacy and cellular mechanisms
- Molecular Acclimation of Halobacterium salinarum to Halite Brine Inclusions