- Beckingham, S. (2020) Co-creating Learning Experiences with Students as Partners. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1(1), pp 70-77, 2019 SocMedHE Conference Edition.
- Sum, K., Beckingham, S., Faulkner, S. and Baff, D. (2020) An Interactive Social Media Workshop Using Lego® Serious Play®. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1(1), pp 94-111, 2019 SocMedHE Conference Edition.
- Purvis, A. J., Rodger, H. M. and Beckingham, S. (2020) Experiences and perspectives of social media in learning and teaching in higher education. International Journal of Educational Research Open,
- Beckingham, S. (2019) Developing a professional online presence and effective network. In C. Rowell Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis. Open Book Publishers.
- Beckingham, S., Wood, C., Paddon, J., Butler, A., Trueman, M. and Rooney, C. (2019) A SMASHing approach for developing staff and student digital capabilities within a Community of Practice. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5(1) 'Championing Student-Staff Partnerships in an Age of Change.'
- Beckingham S. (2019) SMASH: Social Media for Academic Studies at Hallam. [Case Study 4.3 pp 52-53] In P. Kahn and L. Anderson Developing Your Teaching Towards Excellence 2nd Edn. Abingdon: Routledge
- Beckingham, S. (2019) LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® for developing effective communication skills. Case Study 2.4, pp 24-25] In C. Nerantzi and A. James (2019) LEGO® for university learning: Inspiring academic practice in higher education, Version 1. Zenodo.
- Beckingham, S. (2018) Baseline Skills—Scaffolding Soft Skills Development Within the Curriculum. In J, Carter, M. O'Grady and C. Rosen (Eds) Higher Education Computer Science: A Manual of Practical Approaches. Springer.
- Beckingham, S. (2018) Using Social Media to Learn from Conferences. In C. Popovic. (Ed.) Learning from Academic Conferences, Leiden: Brill | Sense.
- Beckingham, S. (2017). 'Sue Beckingham, @suebecks'. In: D. Hopkins (Ed), Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: What’s so important we can’t leave it at home?, 1st Edn
- Purvis, A., Rodger, H.M. , Beckingham, S. (2016) Experiences of Social Media in Higher Education: Barriers, Enablers and Next Steps. Social Media for Learning in Higher Education - Conference Proceedings 2015, Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-394-5. DOI:
- Purvis, A., Rodger, H., and Beckingham, S. (2016) Engagement or Distraction: The use of Social Media for Learning in Higher Education. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 5 (1).
- Beckingham, S. (2015) ‘My role as a facilitator: The value of reflection from multiple personal perspectives’, Learning and Teaching in Action, 11 (1) pp.44-51. Manchester Metropolitan University (Online). Available at:
- Nerantzi, C. and Beckingham, S. (2015) Scaling-up open CPD for teachers in higher education using a snowballing approach , in: Rennie, F. (ed.) The distributed university, JPAAP Special Issue, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 109-121.
- Beckingham, S. (2015) What does it mean to be a Digital Lifewide Learner? The Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Innovation and Change Volume 1, Issue 1.
- Nerantzi, C. and Beckingham, S. (2015) BYOD4L: Learning to use own smart devices for learning and teaching through the 5C framework, in Middleton, A. (ed.) (2015): Smart learning: teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post-compulsory education, Sheffield: MELSIG publication
- Middleton, A. and Beckingham, S. (2015) Social media for learning: A framework to inspire innovation, in Middleton, A. (ed.) (2015): Smart learning: teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post-compulsory education, Sheffield: MELSIG publication
- Beckingham, S, (2015) How Social Media Can Help You Become a Creative Digital Scholar. In Willis, J. ed. Creative Academic Magazine Issue 1 Finding our Element, pp 22-26. [Online] Available at:
- Beckingham, S., Nerantzi, C., Reed, P. and Walker, D. (2015) Speedy professional conversations around learning and teaching in higher education via the brand new tweetchat #LTHEchat, Journal ALISS Quarterly, February 2015, available at
- Beckingham, S. (2015) The Blended Professional: Jack of all Trades and Master of Some?, in Hopkins, D. (ed) The Really Useful #EdTechBook.
- Nerantzi, C., Jackson, N. and Beckingham, S. (2014) Adapting HE to the Social Age of Learning: How can social media help?, in: Stodd, J. (ed.), Lifewide Magazine, Issue
- Beckingham, S., Purvis, A. and Rodger, H. (2014) The SHU Social Media CoLab: Developing a Social Media Strategy Through Open Dialogue and Collaborative Guidance. Eds. Asher Rospigliosi and Sue Greener. Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media, University of Brighto
- Nerantzi, C, Middleton, A and Beckingham, S (2014) Facilitators as co-learners in a collaborative open course for teachersand students in Higher Education, In: Learning in Cyberphysical Worlds, European Commission e-Learning paper, issue No. 39, pp. 1-10
- Nerantzi, C. and Beckingham S. (eds.) (2014) Using Social Media in the Social Age of Learning, Lifewide Magazine, Special Edition.
- Nerantzi, C. and Beckingham, S. (2014) BYOD4L - Our Magical Open Box to Enhance Individuals' Learning Ecologies, in: Jackson, N. and Willis, J. (eds) Lifewide Learning and Education in Universities and Colleges E-book.
- Bradley, S. and Beckingham, S. (2013) Evaluation of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Orientation Events. Deepwell, F. and Buckley, C. eds. SEDA Special Small Grants: Celebrating the Scholarship of Educational Development.
- Beckingham, S. and Adams, J. (2013) Introduction to Twitter for Educational Developers. SEDA Educational Developments 14.3.
- Dujardin, F. and Edwards, K. and Beckingham, S. (2012) Diigo: Social Bookmarking in a Professional Communication Course. Cheal, C., Coughlin, J., and Moore, S. eds. Transformation in Teaching: Social Media Strategies in Higher Education.
- Beckingham, S. (2011) The impact of Twitter and its new relationship with the SEDA community. SEDA Educational Developments 12.4.
- Hartley, P., Dawson, M. and Beckingham, S. (2022) Success in Groupwork 2nd edn. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Beckingham, S. (2022) The importance of a mentor in overcoming the ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None’ syndrome. In Nutt, D. and McIntosh, M. (ed) The Impact of the Integrated Practitioner in Higher Education Studies in Third Space Professionalism. Routledge.
- Beckingham, S., Beggs, R., Hinton, D., Varga-Atkins, T. and Watson, D. (2022) Modes of learning: a practice guide. Edited by Kay Hack. Advance HE.
- Beckingham, S. (2023). Professionalism and Online Presence. In: Carter, J., O'Grady, M., Rosen, C. (eds) Higher Education Computer Science: A Manual of Practical Approaches 2nd edition. Springer, Cham.
- Beckingham, S. (2023). Baseline Skills—Scaffolding Soft Skills Development Within the Curriculum. In: Carter, J., O'Grady, M., Rosen, C. (eds) Higher Education Computer Science: A Manual of Practical Approaches 2nd edition. Springer, Cham.
- Hartley, P., Beckingham, S. and Irving-Bell, D. (2023) Taking advantage of ChatGPT et al (ideally before the end of the world). SEDA Blog.
- Beckingham, S., Bullingham, L., Cuthbert, K., Hartley, P., Irving-Bell, D., Tasler, N., Stinson, l., Turner, S., Withnell, N. and Wooff, D. (2023) The National Teaching Repository − Sharing effective interventions: Learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do. SEDA Educational Developments.
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