
Solene Derville


  • Finding the right fit: Comparative cetacean distribution models using multiple data sources and statistical approaches
  • Whales in warming water: Assessing breeding habitat diversity and adaptability in Oceania's changing climate
  • From land and sea, long‐term data reveal persistent humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breeding habitat in New Caledonia
  • Ecoregional and temporal dynamics of dugong habitat use in a complex coral reef lagoon ecosystem
  • Long-term stability in the circumpolar foraging range of a Southern Ocean predator between the eras of whaling and rapid climate change
  • Marine mammal strandings recorded in New Caledonia, South West Pacific Ocean, 1877 to 2022
  • Demographic and physiological signals of reproductive events in humpback whales on a southwest pacific breeding ground

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Co-workers & collaborators

Leigh Torres

Leigh Torres

Lisa Hildebrand

Lisa Hildebrand

Dawn Barlow

Dawn Barlow

Solene Derville's public data