
Sean Mccann

PhD Candidate (Biological sciences)

Burnaby British Columbia Canada

I am a biology student and amateur photographer. At the moment I am writing my thesis on Red-throated Caracara foraging biology, having spent 4 seasons in French Guiana studying these fascinating birds. I also study social wasp defensive behavior and have worked on mosquito reproductive ecology.


  • MCCANN, S., O. MOERI, T. JONES, S. O’DONNELL AND G. GRIES. 2010. Nesting and nest-provisioning of the Red-throated Caracara (Ibycter americanus) in central French Guiana. Journal of Raptor Research 44: 236–240.
  • MCCANN, S., J.F. DAY, S. ALLAN, AND C.C. LORD, 2009. Age modifies the effect of body size on fecundity in Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Vector Ecology 34: p.174 -181 . Available at:

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Catherine Scott

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