
Catherine Scott


  • N-3-Methylbutanoyl-O-methylpropanoyl-L-serine Methyl Ester--Pheromone Component of Western Black Widow Females
  • Red-throated Caracara, a falconid raptor, rivals predatory impact of army ants on social wasps
  • The role of silk in courtship and chemical communication of the false widow spider, Steatoda grossa (Araneae: Theridiidae)
  • Two-spotted Spider Mites Respond to Chemical Cues Associated with Conspecifics’ Silk When Choosing a Microhabitat
  • A review of the mechanisms and functional roles of male silk use in spider courtship and mating
  • Virus discovery in all three major lineages of terrestrial arthropods highlights the diversity of single-stranded DNA viruses associated with invertebrates
  • Life-history data for the funnel weavers Eratigena agrestis and Eratigena atrica (Araneae: Agelenidae) in the Pacific Northwest of North America
  • Chemosensory and Behavioural Responses of Ixodes scapularis to Natural Products: Role of Chemosensory Organs in Volatile Detection
  • Male black widows parasitize mate-searching effort of rivals to find females faster
  • Towards establishment of a centralized spider traits database
  • Black widows as plastic wallflowers: female choosiness increases with indicators of high mate availability in a natural population
  • Risky business: males choose more receptive adults over safer subadults in a cannibalistic spider
  • Evidence that web reduction by western black widow males functions in sexual communication
  • A meal or a male: the ‘whispers’ of black widow males do not trigger a predatory response in females
  • Strike Fast, Strike Hard: The Red-Throated Caracara Exploits Absconding Behavior of Social Wasps during Nest Predation
  • Web reduction by courting male black widows renders pheromone-emitting females' webs less attractive to rival males
  • Vibration transmission through sheet webs of hobo spiders (Eratigena agrestis) and tangle webs of western black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus)
  • Developing a paired-target apparatus for quantitative testing of nest defense behavior by vespine wasps in response to con- or heterospecific nest defense pheromones
  • The global spread of misinformation on spiders
  • An expert-curated global database of online newspaper articles on spiders and spider bites
  • They mostly come at night: Predation on sleeping insects by introduced candy‐striped spiders in North America
  • They mostly come at night: Predation on sleeping insects by introduced candy‐striped spiders in N orth A merica
  • Tundra wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae) abundance and phenology shift with distance from a northern highway

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Co-workers & collaborators

Sean Mccann

PhD Candidate - Burnaby British Columbia Canada

Sean Mccann

Stefano Mammola

Stefano Mammola

Angela Chuang

Angela Chuang

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