
Reem Khalil


  • Developmental remodeling of corticocortical feedback circuits in ferret visual cortex
  • Zinc histochemistry reveals circuit refinement and distinguishes visual areas in the developing ferret cerebral cortex
  • Postnatal refinement of interareal feedforward projections in ferret visual cortex
  • Use of synaptic zinc histochemistry to reveal different regions and laminae in the developing and adult brain
  • A mechanized device for mounting histological tissue sections
  • Postnatal Development of Visual Cortical Function in the Mammalian Brain
  • Topological Sholl Descriptors For Neuronal Clustering and Classification
  • Visual Corticocortical Inputs to Ferret Area 18
  • Developmental Changes in Pyramidal Cell Morphology in Multiple Visual Cortical Areas Using Cluster Analysis
  • Developmental refinement of visual callosal inputs to ferret area 17
  • Topological Sholl descriptors for neuronal clustering and classification
  • The effects of abnormal visual experience on neurodevelopmental disorders

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Mauro Pessia

Mauro Pessia

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