
Rachel Bowes


  • Consequences of employing amino acid vs. bulk-tissue, stable isotope analysis: a laboratory trophic position experiment
  • Less means more: nutrient stress leads to higher delta N-15 ratios in fish
  • Multidimensional metrics of niche space for use with diverse analytical techniques
  • Carbon Sources in Riverine Food Webs: New Evidence from Amino Acid Isotope Techniques
  • Cobble substrate in a surface bypass reduces bypass acceptance by common roach Rutilus rutilus
  • Reweaving river food webs through time
  • Greater than the sum of your parts: non-lethal stable isotope sampling methods in spiders
  • Fish biodiversity in different types of tributary mouths located within impounded sections of Swedish boreal rivers
  • Downstream bypass efficiency of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in relation to bypass cobble substrate and flow velocity
  • Implications of landscape characteristics for tributary quality and importance
  • Landscape features control river's confluences water quality and tributary fish composition
  • Long-Term Ecological Research in Freshwaters Enabled by Regional Biodiversity Collections, Stable Isotope Analysis, and Environmental Informatics
  • Long-term ecological research in freshwaters enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics

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Co-workers & collaborators

Joacim Näslund

Joacim Näslund

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