
Patricia Makwambeni

Senior Librarian, UCT Libraries

University of Cape Town Libraries

Dr Patricia Chikuni is a Data Curation Officer at Digital Library Services, UCT Libraries.She holds a Phd in Information Systems from the University of CapeTown. Patricia has a passion for dissemination scholarly research outputs and research data. This passion stems from her background as a Librarian and holder of a Masters degree in Archives and Records Management. Patricia has collaborated actively with other researchers on open access, having recently completed Post Doctoral Research at the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CILT). She has also worked for the Open UCT Initiative. In her spare time she loves reading novels and taking aimless walks.


  • Chikuni, P. and Mnjama, N. (2010) The management of medical records at Gwanda Provincial hospital. Mousaion vol 28 Issue 1. Available at
  • Chikuni, P. and Chigona, W.M.G. (2011) Influence of self-determined motivation on ICT training outcomes of secondary school teachers in disadvantaged communities. In Proceedings of the Red-Conference, 7-10 March 2011, Ascona, Switzerland. Switzerland: NewMinE Lab, Universite della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 978-88-6101-010-9.
  • Chikuni, P and Chigona (2015) Reflections on e-learning policies in HEIs in South Africa. 27th Annual SAIMS Conference

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