

  • Water Erosion in the Moulouya Watershed and its Impact on Dams' Siltation (Eastern Morocco)
  • Risque d'érosion hydrique entre fragilité des équilibres environnementaux et perspectives de durabilité: Cas du bassin d’Oued El Abed (Maroc nord-est)
  • "التعرية المائية والدينامية البيئية في حوضي وادي اتلاغ ووادي العابد (تاوريرت، المغرب الشرقي) - مقاربات جيوماتية". أطروحة لنيل شهادة الدكتوراه، شعبة الجغرافيا
  • Water Erosion and Environmental Dynamics in Tlagh and El Abed watersheds (Eastern Morocco). Geomatics Approaches. Thesis for obtaining a doctorate degree. Faculty of Humanities. University Mohammed First. Oujda, 421 p. (In Arabic).
  • Water Erosion between the Vulnerability of Environmental Balances and Prospects for Sustainability: The Case of El Abed and Tlagh Watersheds (North-Eastern Morocco)
  • Using the GPS Station to Study Wind and Coastal Morpho-dynamics in North-eastern Morocco
  • Apport du GPS dans l'étude de la dynamique des dunes : exemples au Maroc oriental

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