
Michele Acuto


  • Informing urban governance? Boundary‐spanning organisations and the ecosystem of urban data
  • Perspectives on the 21st Century Urban University from Singapore – A viewpoint forum
  • Implosions/explosions. Towards a study of planetary urbanization, edited by Neil Brenner
  • In praise of visceral urbanism
  • Global science for city policy It is time for a global reform of science advice to cities
  • City networks: Breaking gridlocks or forging (new) lock-ins?
  • Give cities a seat at the top table
  • Leave no city behind
  • Promoting a healthy cities agenda through indicators: development of a global urban environment and health index
  • Introduction: Global governance in the interregnum
  • Forum: On on diplomacy: James Der Derian’s classic 30 years on
  • Harnessing inclusive urban knowledge for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
  • The global governance of large technical systems
  • Digital Infrastructures and Urban Governance
  • City Diplomacy: Towards More Strategic Networking? Learning with WHO Healthy Cities
  • The water-energy-food nexus: An integration agenda and implications for urban governance
  • Replacing the services sector and three-sector theory: urbanization and control as economic sectors
  • Global urban policy and the geopolitics of urban data
  • Scaling the nexus: Towards integrated frameworks for analysing water, energy and food
  • Rebalancing the Encounter between Science Diplomacy and International Relations Theory
  • Economic Power Foundations of Cities in Global Governance
  • Understanding the global ecosystem of city networks
  • Reconfiguring urban governance in an age of rising city networks: A research agenda
  • Assemblage thinking and international relations
  • An urban affair: How mayors shape cities for world politics
  • Garbage
  • Productive tensions? The “city” across geographies of planetary urbanization and the urban age
  • Tacit networks, crucial care: Informal networks and disaster response in Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake
  • Transcending (in)formal urbanism
  • Night: the final frontier?
  • C40 Cities Inside Out
  • Networking Cities after Paris: Weighing the Ambition of Urban Climate Change Experimentation
  • The city as actor in UN frameworks: formalizing ‘urban agency’ in the international system?
  • City Leaders Go Abroad: A Survey of City Diplomacy in 47 Cities
  • (Un)learning the city through crisis: lessons from Cape Town
  • TAKING CITY RANKINGS SERIOUSLY : Engaging with Benchmarking Practices in Global Urbanism
  • The gifted city: Setting a research agenda for philanthropy and urban governance
  • We need a science of the night
  • Engaging with global urban governance in the midst of a crisis
  • Whatever happened to urban governance?
  • Reimagining climate networking between cities: clustering cities based on a large dataset of mitigation actions
  • Managing Cities at Night
  • Shaping a global comparative imagination? Assessing the role of city rankings in the “global city” discourse
  • Potential and limitations of digital twins to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Seeing COVID-19 through an urban lens
  • Networking Australia's Urban Governance
  • Everyday International Relations: Garbage, Grand Designs, and Mundane Matters
  • Dubai in the 'Middle'
  • Mobilising knowledge for urban governance: the case of the Gauteng City-region observatory
  • Acknowledging Urbanization: A Survey of the Role of Cities in UN Frameworks
  • World politics by other means? London, City diplomacy and the olympics
  • City leadership in global governance
  • The new climate leaders?
  • Reassembling international theory: Assemblage thinking and international relations
  • Introduction
  • Global cities, governance and diplomacy: The urban link
  • The geopolitical dimension
  • Conclusions
  • Sydney: The wicked power-geometry of a greening global city
  • Global city challenges: Debating a concept, improving the practice
  • Ain't about Politics? The Wicked Power-Geometry of Sydney's Greening Governance
  • Finding the global city: An analytical journey through the 'invisible college'
  • Diplomats in Crisis
  • Global cities: Gorillas in our midst
  • High-rise Dubai urban entrepreneurialism and the technology of symbolic power
  • Not quite the dragon: A 'Chinese' view on the Six Party Talks, 2002-8
  • Immoral authorities: Crusades, jihād and just war rhetoric
  • Wilson victorious? Understanding democracy promotion in the midst of a "backlash"
  • Review of Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane (eds.) 2021: Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City. London: Routledge.
  • The politics of “urban expertise”: shifting horizons for critical urban scholarship?
  • Meeting afterhours: on the work that night commissions do
  • COVID-19 and informal workers in Asian cities
  • Navigating the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in Asia: state measures, grassroots responses and implications for recovery
  • Just and inclusive urban recovery in post-pandemic Asia: prioritising policy considerations for informal workers
  • Governing the informed city: examining local government strategies for information production, consumption and knowledge sharing across ten cities
  • Expanding the urban climate imagination: A review of mitigation actions across 800 local governments
  • Global cities in the making
  • The politics of “urban expertise”
  • Navigating the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
  • “Not so polycentric
  • Tacit networks, crucial care
  • Leaving no urban citizens behind
  • Whose City Benchmarks? The Role of the Critical Urbanist in Comparative Urban Measuring
  • Fragmentation and urban knowledge
  • Mobilising urban knowledge in an infodemic
  • Knowledge translation in global urban agendas
  • City Diplomacy
  • Taking City Rankings Seriously
  • Expanding the urban climate imagination
  • A City Professorial Chair - a research partnership for a resilient City of Melbourne
  • Meeting afterhours
  • “Emancipatory Circuits of Knowledge” for Urban Equality
  • COVID-19
  • Cities
  • Acknowledging Urbanization
  • (Un)learning the city through crisis
  • Urbanization in the Anthropocene
  • The gifted city
  • Governing the informed city
  • Just and inclusive urban recovery in post-pandemic Asia
  • Informing urban governance? Boundary-spanning organisations and the ecosystem of urban data
  • Scaling the nexus
  • The city as actor in UN frameworks
  • Editorial
  • Exorcising Malthusian ghosts
  • The landscape and evolution of urban planning science
  • Editorial
  • What three decades of city networks tell us about city diplomacy’s potential for climate action

Michele Acuto's public data