
Mehdi Delrobaei

Assistant Professor (Engineering)

Mehdi Delrobaei received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Western University, Canada, in 2010. He completed post-doctoral training with Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute, Canada, from 2011 to 2016. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Mechatronics and the director of the Biomechatronics Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology. His research includes biomechatronic systems, wearable technologies, and cognitive assessment focused on executive function.


  • An RFID-Based Assistive Glove to Help the Visually Impaired
  • An RFID-Based Assistive Glove to Help the Visually Impaired
  • Quantification of whole-body bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease participants using multiple inertial sensors
  • Parking control of a center-articulated mobile robot in presence of measurement noise
  • Kinematic and kinetic assessment of upper limb movements in patients with writer's cramp
  • Simultaneous arm joint angles and force changes in writer's cramp
  • Docking joint for autonomous self-assembly
  • Evaluating the Possibility of Integrating Augmented Reality and Internet of Things Technologies to Help Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
  • Towards remote monitoring of Parkinson's disease tremor using wearable motion capture systems
  • Characterization of multi-joint upper limb movements in a single task to assess bradykinesia
  • Using Wearable Technology to Generate Objective Parkinson's Disease Dyskinesia Severity Score: Possibilities for Home Monitoring
  • Quantifying the short-term effects of deep brain stimulation surgery on bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease patients
  • Sensory manipulation in writer's cramp: Possibilities for rehabilitation
  • Characteristics of gait freezing: Possibilities for rehabilitation
  • Connection mechanism for autonomous self-assembly in mobile robots
  • Effect of kinesthetic force feedback and visual sensory input on writer's cramp
  • Erratum: Using wearable technology to generate objective parkinson's disease dyskinesia severity score: Possibilities for home monitoring (IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (2017) 25:10 (1853-1863) DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2017.2690578)
  • Segmentation and detection of physical activities during a sitting task in Parkinson's disease participants using multiple inertial sensors
  • Parking control of an active-joint center-articulated mobile robot based on feedback from beacons
  • Haptic Feedback Manipulation during Botulinum Toxin Injection Therapy for Focal Hand Dystonia Patients: A Possible New Assistive Strategy
  • Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Settings on Voice Quality, Intensity, and Prosody in Parkinson's Disease: Preliminary Evidence for Speech Optimization
  • Bio-Heat Transfer and Monte Carlo Measurement of Near-Infrared Transcranial Stimulation of Human Brain
  • A Decision-Aware Ambient Assisted Living System with IoT Embedded Device for In-Home Monitoring of Older Adults
  • Driver Drowsiness Detection with Commercial EEG Headsets
  • Towards an Intelligent Assistive System Based on Augmented Reality and Serious Games
  • Evaluating Attentional Impulsivity: A Biomechatronic Approach
  • A Decision Support System Based on Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Medication Dosage for Patients with Parkinson's Disease
  • Towards Blockchain-based Remote Management Systems for Patients with Movement Disorders
  • A Cost-Effective Test Bench for Evaluating Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Mobile Robotics
  • Towards Cognitive Load Assessment Using Electrooculography Measures
  • Development of an Augmented-Reality-Based Serious Game: A Cognitive Assessment Study

Mehdi Delrobaei's public data