
Matteo Vecchi


  • Integrative systematic studies on tardigrades from Antarctica identify new genera and new species within Macrobiotoidea and Echiniscoidea
  • What if the claws are reduced? Morphological and molecular phylogenetic relationships of the genus Haplomacrobiotus May, 1948 (Eutardigrada, Parachela)
  • Interspecific relationships of tardigrades with bacteria, fungi and protozoans, with a focus on the phylogenetic position of Pyxidium tardigradum (Ciliophora)
  • Micropropagation of Aristolochia rotunda L.
  • The Microbial Community of Tardigrades: Environmental Influence and Species Specificity of Microbiome Structure and Composition
  • The evolutionary history and functional divergence of trehalase (treh) genes in insects
  • Resolving the systematics of Richtersiidae by multilocus phylogeny and an integrative redescription of the nominal species for the genus Crenubiotus (Tardigrada)
  • Integrative descriptions of two new Macrobiotus species (Tardigrada, Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae) from Mississippi (USA) and Crete (Greece)
  • The toughest animals of the Earth versus global warming: Effects of long‐term experimental warming on tardigrade community structure of a temperate deciduous forest
  • Desiccation risk favours prevalence and diversity of tardigrade communities and influences their trophic structure in alpine ephemeral rock pools
  • A lift in snail's gut provides an efficient colonization route for tardigrades
  • Sisubiotus hakaiensis sp. nov. (Tardigrada, Macrobiotidae), a new tardigrade species from Calvert Island (British Columbia, Canada)
  • First insights into female sperm storage duration in tardigrades
  • Larva description and phylogenetic position of the armoured tardigrade Acanthechiniscus goedeni (Grigarick, Mihelčič & Schuster, 1964)
  • Tardigrades of Finland: new records and an annotated checklist
  • Expanding Acutuncus: Phylogenetics and morphological analyses reveal a considerably wider distribution for this tardigrade genus
  • Negative impact of freeze–thaw cycles on the survival of tardigrades
  • Morphology, phylogenetic position, and mating behaviour of a new Mesobiotus (Tardigrada) species from a rock pool in the Socorro Box Canyon (New Mexico, USA)
  • Ecology explains anhydrobiotic performance across tardigrades, but the shared evolutionary history matters more
  • First records of limnoterrestrial tardigrades (Tardigrada) from Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada
  • The tardigrade Mesobiotus aradasi (Binda, Pilato & Lisi, 2005) is widely distributed along the Antarctic Peninsula
  • Diverse eggs, diverse species? Production of two egg morphotypes in Paramacrobiotus bifrons , a new eutardigrade species within the areolatus group

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