
Marta Pascual

Post Doctoral Researcher (Environmental engineering not elsewhere classified)

Dr. Marta Pascual is an Ikerbasque Post-Doctoral Researcher and, currently, visiting academic at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) at the University of Queensland (Australia). 6 years of professional experience in different lines of marine and coastal research applied to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP); Ecosystem Services Mapping and Modelling; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); Biological Valuation (BV) and Ecosystem Services Valuation (ESV). Participated as researcher in the following projects: FP7-OCEAN-2009 MESMA (Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas); BIZKAIZET (Catalogación de las áreas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el golfo de Bizkaia); FP7-OCEAN- 2011-3 PERSEUS (Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for the Southern European Seas); FP7-OCEAN-2011 CoCoNET (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas)

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