Humanist-Scientist integrating Classics, Religious/Myth Studies, Data Science, and Scholarly Communication----Ph.D. in Religious Studies (Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity), University of Virginia (2012)----MS Library and Information Science, Drexel University (2015)----author of monograph on reception of Luke 23.39-43 and several critical editions and translations of medieval stories on Saint Dismas----co-editor of compilations on the Dutch Reformer Jacob Arminius and on Greco-Roman myths in the Gospels and Acts----conceiver and co-founder of the e-Clavis for Christian Apocrypha, hosted by NASSCAL----co-author of article in Harvard Theological Review on Acts 19.21–20.19 as a miniature retelling of Euripides' Iphigenia in Tauris----pioneer of a new iterative Open Science format for academic book publishing (the LODLIB)--creator and first prover of the five foundational hypotheses of the first gospel (Qn).


  • USA Fullerton Becker Amphitheater California State University Fullerton Iliad Reading Festival
  • Luke the Evangelist: Literature
  • Imitations of Orestes in the Paul of Acts
  • The CSU Statement Open Access Policy Resolution (ASCSU 3376-19FA) and Recent ORCID Initiatives
  • ORCID in the California State University
  • Open Journal Systems (OJS) Panel/Presentation
  • Foundations and Practices of Cultivating Academic Honesty [20191007]
  • Linked Open Data and CSU ScholarWorks [20180724]
  • Key to BibleWorks Greek Morphology (BGM)
  • Normalized Datasets of Nicolotti's Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • A Crash Course in Scholarly Communications
  • Opening the House Foreign Affairs Committee Web Archive
  • What does Open Access Mean for the Future of Interlibrary Lending?
  • Identity Management and Authentication Strategies, Part One
  • CSU Chancellor search forum hosted at Cal Poly Pomona
  • The Rebellion of Dimas
  • Normalized Datasets of Klinghardt’s and Nicolotti’s Reconstructions of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Introduction to Democratic Openbook Humanism and LODLIBs
  • Luke the Evangelist: Christianity
  • Murder, Madness, Mending, Mission, Mates, Mars Hill, and Mob Justice: The Characterization of Paul as a New Orestes in the Canonical Acts of the Apostles
  • Crowd-Sourced Unlatching of Curricular Books
  • Luke-Acts: Literature
  • ASCSU Resolution in Support of ORCID for the California State University
  • GMarc Normalized Data Compilation
  • New Testament Introduction Sourcebook [RLST 201]
  • Orestes and Paul on the Areopagus: From ‘Make-Believe’ to ‘Make-Belief’
  • How Libraries Can Learn Not to Hate Commencement
  • Imitations of the Iphigenia among the Taurians of Euripides in the Acts of the Apostles
  • Iphigenia in Classical and Canonical Fiction
  • Iphigenia among the Taurians and on the Emmaus Road (Luke 24:13-35)
  • Hospitality and Perfume of the Bandit
  • Unlikely Bedfellows: The Gospel of Marcion and Q
  • Normalized Datasets of Roth’s Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • ORCID Institutional Endorsements in the California State University
  • Normalized Datasets of Klinghardt's Reconstructions of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Hahn's and Zahn's Reconstructions of Marcion's Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Hahn’s and Zahn’s Reconstructions of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Nicolotti's Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Harnack’s Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Roth's Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Normalized Datasets of Harnack's Reconstruction of Marcion's Gospel
  • DOI Generation in the CSU DataCite or CrossRef [20170801]
  • Introducing Linked Open Data Living Informational Books (LODLIBs)
  • The First Gospel, the Gospel of the Poor: A New Reconstruction of Q and Resolution of the Synoptic Problem based on Marcion's Early Luke
  • A Dramatic Heist of Epic Proportion: Iphigenia among the Taurians in the Acts of the Apostles
  • Signals Theory for Dummies: An AAR/SBL Parable
  • Zero-Cost Course Faculty Direct Stipend
  • Op-Ed: UC Elsevier and the CSU
  • Bitmap Leaves and Living Treebanks for Classical Greek
  • Golgotha, Calvary: New Testament
  • Good Samaritan: New Testament
  • Pliny's Correspondence and the Acts of the Apostles
  • The Hospitality of Dysmas: A New Translation and Introduction
  • eClavis: Hospitality of Dysmas (ECCA 630; CANT 78.4)
  • eClavis: Hospitality and Ointment of the Bandit (ECCA 250; CANT 78.1)
  • eClavis: Rebellion of Dimas (ECCA 106; CANT 78.2)
  • eClavis: Hospitality and Perfume of the Bandit (ECCA 506; CANT 78.3)
  • Review of Hellenistic and Biblical Greek: A Graduated Reader
  • Green Open Access Infographic
  • A Digital Rebirth in Christian Apocrypha Studies: NASSCAL and the e-Clavis
  • The Divergent Bandit Narratives of Pseudo-Matthew
  • Holy Places, Holy Fragrances: The Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea as Sensory Pilgrimage Map
  • The Acts of the Apostles in the World of Pliny
  • Biblical and Qur’anic Texts on Pedagogy
  • Mainstreaming Mimesis Criticism
  • Collaborative Student Research with Google Drive: Advantages and Challenges
  • The Plinian Paul: How Acts Narrates the Apostle as a Biographical Apology to Pliny the Younger
  • Global Trends in Digital Archiving
  • DOI Generation in the CSU: CrossRef or Datacite?
  • Managing, Publishing, and Hosting CSUF-edited Journals with Open Journal Systems
  • The Pedagogical and Scholarly Prospects of Web Archiving
  • Mimesis Criticism: The Gospels and Greek Literature
  • Credit Where Credit is Due: Paying Homage to the Pioneers of Mimesis Criticism and Euripidean Mimesis
  • Zero-Cost Course Faculty Direct Stipend [20191003b]
  • Pedagogical and Scholarly Prospects of Web Archiving [20180414]
  • Retention of Faculty Rights to Deposit and Disseminate their Scholarly Articles: An Open Access Policy
  • CST LibAnswers Website
  • CST LibGuides Website
  • ABIERTA Repository will help Cal State Fullerton graduate students store and access theses, dissertations
  • The First Dionysian Gospel: Imitational and Redactional Layers in Luke and John
  • Mainstreaming Mimesis Criticism
  • CST Library Website
  • Web Review: Working Virtually on the Text and Manuscripts Behind the Document
  • ORCID Promotional Efforts in California Institutes of Higher Education
  • Supplemental Notes on Scott McGill, Juvencus' Four Books of the Gospels: Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor
  • Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide
  • Reconsidering Arminius: Recasting the Legacy
  • Considering Open Access to Expand Availability to Journal Articles
  • Syllabus: Introduction to the New Testament (RLST 201, CSU Fullerton)
  • e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha
  • Digital Humanities Projects in Progress
  • ORCID for California Public Research Institutions
  • Linked Open Data and CSU ScholarWorks
  • Public COAPI Toolkit of Open Access Policy Resources
  • Classical Greek Models of the Gospels and Acts
  • Festal Breadcrumbs of the Byzantine Eucharist
  • Iesus Natus Augustus
  • Mapping History through Critical Hagiography
  • Review of Scribes, Sages, and Seers: The Sage in the Eastern Mediterranean World - Edited by Leo G. Perdue
  • Seeing Nazis Massacred, Followed by Humorless Analysis
  • Christendom Witnesses to the Martyrs
  • Review of Early Christian Hagiography and Roman History - By Timothy D. Barnes
  • Review of The Desert Will Bloom: Poetic Visions in Isaiah - Edited by A. Joseph Everson and Hyun Chul Paul Kim
  • Review of Ezekiel, Daniel
  • Review of The Performative Nature and Function of Isaiah 40-55 - By Jim W. Adams
  • Review of The Afterlife Imagery in Luke's Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus - By Outi Lehtipuu
  • John: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, vols 4a & 4b
  • Review of Das Heil Gottes: Studien Zur Soteriologie Des Lukanischen Doppelwerks - By Hans Jörg Sellner
  • Review of Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament - Edited by G. K. Beale and D. A. Carson
  • Review of Way Metaphors and Way Topics in ISAIAH 40-55 - By Øystein Lund
  • Librarian as Co-Teacher: Information Literacy Embedded in Theology Courses
  • Backstories of the Bandit: The Emergence, Submersion, and Re-emergence of the Cult of Dysmas
  • A Network of Thieves: How the Early Christian Interpretation of Luke 23.39-43 Reveals Underlying Social and Literary Relationships
  • Bargaining with Brigands: Socio-Political Strategies in the Portraits of the Two Co-Crucified
  • Luke 23.39-43 in Early Syriac Reception
  • Reconstructing the History behind the Variant in Luke 23.42
  • True Martyr or False? A Liberation Analysis of the Early Reception of Luke 23:39-43
  • The Penitent Bandit in the Interpretation of John Chrysostom
  • Ephrem the Syrian’s Interpretation of Luke 23:39-43
  • Gnostics under the Law: The Place of Gnostics in Codex Theodosianus 16
  • The Acts of the Apostles in the World of Pliny
  • Augustine’s Interpretation of Luke 23:39-43
  • Luke 23:39-43 as a Convert-Martyr Story
  • Hospitality and Intentional Community
  • Guilty yet Innocent: Two Intertextual Escape Clauses for the Jews and Augustine in the Enarrationes in Psalmos
  • The Creation Theology of 2 Maccabees 7:28 in a Jewish Wisdom Context
  • Luke 23:33-43 as the First Christian Martyr Story
  • Could There Really Be a Mrs. Christ?
  • Christendom Witnesses to the Martyrs: Transformations of the Acta Martyrum in Prudentius’ Peristephanon 6
  • As the Bandit Will I Confess You: Luke 23.39-43 in Early Christian Interpretation
  • Review of Opening the Sealed Book: Interpretations of the Book of Isaiah in Late Antiquity - By Joseph Blenkinsopp
  • Review of Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage - By Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
  • Review of D'israël Aux Nations: L'horizon De La Rencontre Avec Le Sauveur Dans L'œuvre De Luc - By Étienne L. Mbilizi
  • Review of Isaiah 40-66: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament XI - Edited by Mark W. Elliott
  • Review of Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture - By Julie Irene Woods
  • Review of Das Evangelium nach Petrus. Text, Kontexte, Intertexte
  • A Disappearing People: The Doctrine of Election and Predestination from Irenaeus to Augustine
  • As the Bandit Will I Confess You: Luke 23,39-43 in Early Christian Interpretation
  • Review of The African Memory of Mark: Reassessing Early Church Tradition, by Thomas C. Oden. Wesleyan Theological Journal 48.1 (Spring 2003): 187-189.
  • Paul's Literary Metamorphosis: Translations of Marcion's Apostolos and Canonical Counterparts
  • Paul's Literary Metamorphosis: Translations of Marcion's Apostolos and Canonical Counterparts
  • Normalized Datasets of Zahn’s, van Manen’s, and Harnack’s Greek Reconstructions of Marcion’s Apostolos
  • BeDuhn’s Greek Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel
  • Honors Project
  • Patristic Attestations to Marcion's Apostolos: An Open Citizen Science Book
  • Patristic Attestations to Marcion's Apostolos: An Open Citizen Science Book
  • Vinzent's Greek Reconstruction of Marcion’s Apostolos
  • Diorisis.duckdb

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