
Margaret Brisbin

Assistant Professor (Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)

University of South Florida


  • Intra-host symbiont diversity and extended symbiont maintenance in photosymbiotic Acantharea (clade F)
  • The microbiome wants what it wants: microbial evolution overtakes experimental host-mediated indirect selection
  • Regional oceanographic features and hydrothermal activity influence protist diversity and biogeography in the Okinawa Trough
  • Single-cell RNA extraction and cDNA library preparation from challenging marine protists (e.g. Acantharea) v1
  • Antimicrobial activity in the cuticle of the American lobster, Homarus americanus
  • Intra-host symbiont diversity and extended symbiont maintenance in photosymbiotic Acantharea (clade F)
  • Wikipedia can help resolve information inequality in the aquatic sciences
  • Modified RNeasy Mini Kit protocol for filter extractions
  • Missing microbial eukaryotes and misleading meta-omic conclusions
  • Vitamin B12conveys a protective advantage to phycosphere-associated bacteria at high temperatures
  • Differential Gene Expression Supports a Resource‐Intensive, Defensive Role for Colony Production in the Bloom‐Forming Haptophyte, Phaeocystis globosa
  • Cytoklepty in the plankton: A host strategy to optimize the bioenergetic machinery of endosymbiotic algae
  • Modified RNeasy Mini Kit protocol for filter extractions - USF edition v2
  • Differential gene expression supports a resource-intensive, defensive role for colony production in the bloom-forming haptophyte, Phaeocystis globosa
  • Extreme storms cause rapid, context-dependent shifts in nearshore subtropical bacterial communities
  • Paired high-throughput, in-situ imaging and high-throughput sequencing illuminate acantharian abundance and vertical distribution
  • Paired high‐throughput, in situ imaging and high‐throughput sequencing illuminate acantharian abundance and vertical distribution
  • Influence of Regional Oceanography and Hydrothermal Activity on Protist Diversity and Community Structure in the Okinawa Trough
  • Microbiomes of bloom-forming Phaeocystis algae are stable and consistently recruited, with both symbiotic and opportunistic modes
  • Vitamin B12 conveys a protective advantage to phycosphere-associated bacteria at high temperatures
  • Modified RNeasy Mini Kit protocol for filter extractions - USF edition v2
  • Flexible B 12 ecophysiology of Phaeocystis antarctica due to a fusion B 12 –independent methionine synthase with widespread homologues
  • Urbanization of a Subtropical Island (Okinawa, Japan) Alters Physicochemical Characteristics and Disrupts Microbial Community Dynamics in Nearshore Ecosystems

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