Postdoctoral researcher at CREAF with a La Caixa - Junior Leader fellowship


  • Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate with declining nutritional status of European forests
  • Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales – review and development of nutrient metrics
  • Nutrient-rich plants emit a less intense blend of volatile isoprenoids
  • Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature
  • Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature - dataset
  • Nitrate pollution reduces bryophyte diversity in Mediterranean springs
  • Global patterns of phosphatase activity in natural soils
  • Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink
  • The consecutive disparity index, D : a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies
  • A MODIS Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as an Estimator of Isoprene Emissions in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variabilities of Gross Primary Production Using MAIAC MODIS Data
  • On the influence of water conductivity, pH and climate on bryophyte assemblages in Catalan semi-natural springs
  • Nutrient scarcity as a selective pressure for mast seeding
  • Sea spray influences water chemical composition of Mediterranean semi-natural springs
  • The effects of local climate on the correlation between weather and seed production differ in two species with contrasting masting habit
  • Global trends in carbon sinks and their relationships with CO2 and temperature
  • Weather and trade-offs between growth and reproduction regulate fruit production in European forests
  • The bioelements, the elementome, and the biogeochemical niche
  • Environmental Veto Synchronizes Mast Seeding in Four Contrasting Tree Species
  • Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilisation, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of northern hemisphere CO2 exchange
  • Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis
  • Plantes anyívoles: entre l’abstinència i la disbauxa reproductiva
  • Efecte de les variables ambientals i hidrològiques sobre la riquesa i distribució dels briòfits fontinals a la Catalunya oriental
  • El nitrat de les fonts del Lluçanès : efectes sobre les comunitats de briòfits (molses i hepàtiques)
  • Com els arbres expliquen el pas del temps
  • Towards a moss sclerophylly continuum: evolutionary history, water chemistry and climate control traits of hygrophytic mosses
  • Nutrient scarcity strengthens soil fauna control over leaf litter decomposition in tropical rainforests
  • Exploring the effects of biodiversity and elemental stoichiometry on terrestrial carbon balance
  • Probing the relationship between formaldehyde column concentrations and soil moisture using mixed models and attribution analysis
  • Is forest fecundity resistant to drought? Results from an 18‐yr rainfall‐reduction experiment
  • Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature
  • Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilization, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of Northern Hemisphere CO2 exchange
  • Supplementary material to "Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilisation, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of northern hemisphere CO2 exchange"
  • Acid rain mediated nitrogen and sulfur deposition alters soil nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon fractions in a subtropical paddy
  • Measuring temporal patterns in ecology: The case of mast seeding
  • Nutrients control reproductive traits of hygrophytic bryophytes
  • Recent leveling off of vegetation greenness and primary production reveals the increasing soil water limitations on the greening Earth
  • Empirical support for the biogeochemical niche hypothesis in forest trees
  • La vida invisible dels nostres rius: trets adaptatius dels macroinvertebrats als hàbitats fluvials
  • Increasing climatic sensitivity of global grassland vegetation biomass and species diversity correlates with water availability
  • Reply to: Nutrient scarcity cannot cause mast seeding
  • Investigating the relationship between climate, stand age, and temporal trends in masting behavior of European forest trees
  • The role of climate, foliar stoichiometry and plant diversity on ecosystem carbon balance
  • Bryophyte C:N:P stoichiometry, biogeochemical niches and elementome plasticity driven by environment and coexistence
  • Do Bryophyte Elemental Concentrations Explain Their Morphological Traits?
  • The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function.
  • The effect of global change on soil phosphatase activity
  • Response to Comments on “Recent global decline of CO 2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis”
  • Global maps and factors driving forest foliar elemental composition: the importance of evolutionary history
  • From atoms to ecosystems: elementome diversity meets ecosystem functioning
  • The North Atlantic Oscillation synchronises fruit production in western European forests
  • Temporal trends in the enhanced vegetation index and spring weather predict seed production in Mediterranean oaks
  • Nutrient availability as the key regulator of global forest carbon balance
  • Spatial variability and controls over biomass stocks, carbon fluxes, and resource-use efficiencies across forest ecosystems
  • Masting in oaks: Disentangling the effect of flowering phenology, airborne pollen load and drought
  • Factors influencing the foliar elemental composition and stoichiometry in forest trees in Spain
  • Reply to 'Uncertain effects of nutrient availability on global forest carbon balance' and 'Data quality and the role of nutrients in forest carbon-use efficiency'
  • Biomass production efficiency controlled by management in temperate and boreal ecosystems
  • The Moran effect and environmental vetoes: phenological synchrony and drought drive seed production in a Mediterranean oak
  • Impacts of Global Change on Mediterranean Forests and Their Services
  • Assessment of the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems based on data from field experiments and long-term monitored field gradients in Catalonia
  • Shifting from a fertilization-dominated to a warming-dominated period
  • Foliar and soil concentrations and stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorous across European Pinus sylvestris forests: Relationships with climate, N deposition and tree growth
  • Nutrient availability and climate as the main determinants of the ratio of biomass to NPP in woody and non-woody forest compartments
  • Nature beyond linearity: Meteorological variability and Jensen's Inequality can explain mast seeding behavior
  • Beyond predator satiation: Masting but also the effects of rainfall stochasticity on weevils drive acorn predation
  • Caracterització hidrogeoquímica de les fonts de la Serralada Litoral Central en relació a la litologia i als factors ambientals
  • Long-term fertilization determines different metabolomic profiles and responses in saplings of three rainforest tree species with different adult canopy position
  • Post-Fire Management of Mediterranean Broadleaved Forests
  • Atlantic Oscillation as a possible determinant of the frequency of floods in Arenys (NE Iberian Peninsula)
  • Els briòfits de les fonts de la Serralada Litoral Central: composició específica i efecte dels paràmetres ambientals en la seva distribució
  • Terra Negra: un sòl sobre pissarres al Montnegre
  • Els compostos orgànics volàtils del sòl
  • The role of nutrients, productivity and climate in determining tree fruit production in European forests
  • Climatic heterogeneity and low precipitation dictate the global distribution of range-edge hotspots of major tree species
  • Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilisation, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of northern hemisphere CO2 exchange
  • Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilization, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of Northern Hemisphere CO2 exchange
  • Supplementary material to "Contrasting effects of CO2 fertilisation, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of northern hemisphere CO2 exchange"
  • MASTREE+: Time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents.
  • Drivers of destabilisation in global land carbon sinks
  • Elemental diversity increases ecosystem productivity and stability
  • Elemental diversity increases ecosystem productivity and stability
  • Disentangling temperature and water stress contributions to trends in isoprene emissions using satellite observations of formaldehyde, 2005–2016
  • Beyond carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus: Exploring the relationship between elemental diversity and ecosystem functioning
  • Is destabilisation risk increasing in land carbon sinks?
  • Diagnosing destabilization risk in global land carbon sinks
  • Soil properties, habitat structure, climate, and topography as drivers of soil biodiversity
  • Functional diversity and soil nutrients regulate the interannual variability in gross primary productivity
  • A biome-dependent distribution gradient of tree species range edges is strongly dictated by climate spatial heterogeneity
  • The essential role of biodiversity in the key axes of ecosystem function
  • The consecutive disparity index, D: a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies
  • Nutrient‐rich plants emit a less intense blend of volatile isoprenoids
  • Nitrogen deposition and climate drive plant nitrogen uptake in terrestrial ecosystems
  • Mediterranean springs: Keystone ecosystems and biodiversity refugia threatened by global change
  • Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024
  • Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature - the dataset
  • Fungal composition associated with host tree identity mediates nutrient addition effects on wood microbial respiration
  • Fungal composition associated with host tree identity mediates nutrient addition effects on wood microbial respiration
  • Dynamics of soil N2O fluxes and hot-moments typification: How are they related to environmental characteristics?
  • Effect of organic fertilisation on soil phosphatase activity, phosphorus availability and forage yield in mountain permanent meadows
  • The Cultural Ecohydrogeology of Mediterranean-Climate Springs: A Global Review with Case Studies

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Co-workers & collaborators

Catherine Preece

Antwerp, Belgium

Catherine Preece

Pu Yan

Pu Yan

Marcos Fernández-Martínez's public data