- Epileptiform activity in the mouse visual cortex interferes with cortical processing in connected areas.
- Stytra: An open-source, integrated system for stimulation, tracking and closed-loop behavioral experiments
- Transient Cognitive Impairment in Epilepsy
- A cerebellar internal model calibrates a feedback controller involved in sensorimotor control
- BrainGlobe Atlas API: a common interface for neuroanatomical atlases
- Brainrender: a python-based software for visualizing anatomically registered data
- A cerebellar internal model calibrates a feedback controller involved in sensorimotor control
- Oligodendrocyte precursor cells sculpt the visual system by regulating axonal remodeling
- Neural dynamics and architecture of the heading direction circuit in a vertebrate brain
- Comparing the representation of a simple visual stimulus across the cerebellar network
- A mixed mechano-olfactory code for sniff-invariant odor representations
- A mechanosensory feedback that uncouples external and self-generated sensory responses in the olfactory cortex
- Neural dynamics and architecture of the heading direction circuit in zebrafish
- Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Sculpt the Visual System by Regulating Axon Remodeling
- Epileptiform activity in the mouse visual cortex interferes with cortical processing in connected areas
- Visualizing anatomically registered data with brainrender
- Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Sculpt the Visual System by Regulating Axonal Remodeling
- Comparing the Representation of a Simple Visual Stimulus across the Cerebellar Network
- Investigating Heading Representation in the Zebrafish Interpeduncular Nucleus
- The representation of visual motion and landmark position aligns with heading direction in the zebrafish interpeduncular nucleus
- Anatomical and functional organization of the interpeduncular nucleus in larval zebrafish
- Investigating heading representation in the zebrafish interpeduncular nucleus (2024 FENS‐Kavli network of excellence PhD thesis prize)