
Larry Syu-Heng Lai


  • Late Quaternary landscape evolution and genesis of the 2009 catastrophic landslide in the Hsiao-lin area, southwestern Taiwan
  • Stratigraphic Correlation of Tuffaceous and Psephitic Strata in the Paliwan Formation, Southern Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan
  • Stratigraphy and Structure of the Tai-Yuan Basin, Southern Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan
  • Geomorphologic and Sedimentary Features of the Chi-Shing-Tan Gravel Beach, Hualien, Eastern Taiwan
  • Neoproterozoic marine chemostratigraphy, or eustatic sea level change?
  • Polygenetic mélange in the retrowedge foredeep of an active arc-continent collision, Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan
  • Coarse sediment supply sets the slope of bedrock channels in rapidly uplifting terrain: Field and topographic evidence from eastern Taiwan
  • Late Quaternary landscape evolution and genesis of the 2009 catastrophic landslide in the Hsiaolin area, southwestern Taiwan

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