
Juan Pascual Anaya


  • Nitric Oxide regulates mouth development in amphioxus
  • Turtle ghrelin
  • Cis-regulatory characterization of sequence conservation surrounding the Hox4 genes
  • Evidence from cyclostomes for complex regionalization of the ancestral vertebrate brain
  • Genetic Mechanism for the Cyclostome Cerebellar Neurons Reveals Early Evolution of the Vertebrate Cerebellum
  • Inner ear development in cyclostomes and evolution of the vertebrate semicircular canals
  • A conserved Shh cis-regulatory module highlights a common developmental origin of unpaired and paired fins
  • Development of hypobranchial muscles with special reference to the evolution of the vertebrate neck
  • Stepwise participation of HGF/MET signaling in the development of migratory muscle precursors during vertebrate evolution
  • Molecular regionalization of the developing amphioxus neural tube challenges major partitions of the vertebrate brain
  • Reconstructing the ancestral vertebrate brain
  • The draft genomes of soft-shell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle-specific body plan (vol 45, pg 701, 2013)
  • Free amino acids in the nervous system of the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A comparative study
  • Free amino acids in the nervous system of the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A comparative study
  • Evolution of the nitric oxide synthase family in vertebrates and novel insights in gill development
  • Thyroid and endostyle development in cyclostomes provides new insights into the evolutionary history of vertebrates
  • Forebrain Architecture and Development in Cyclostomes, with Reference to the Early Morphology and Evolution of the Vertebrate Head
  • Hagfish and lamprey Hox genes reveal conservation of temporal colinearity in vertebrates
  • Gene expansion and retention leads to a diverse tyrosine kinase superfamily in amphioxus
  • The evolutionary origin of the turtle shell and its dependence on the axial arrest of the embryonic rib cage
  • Comparative analysis of pleurodiran and cryptodiran turtle embryos depicts the molecular ground pattern of the turtle carapacial ridge
  • Implications of duplicated cis-regulatory elements in the evolution of metazoans: the DDI model or how simplicity begets novelty
  • Unexpectedly large number of conserved noncoding regions within the ancestral chordate Hox cluster
  • Evolution of Hox gene clusters in deuterostomes
  • The draft genomes of soft-shell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle-specific body plan
  • The evolutionary origins of chordate hematopoiesis and vertebrate endothelia
  • Broken colinearity of the amphioxus Hox cluster
  • From the American to the European amphioxus: towards experimental Evo-Devo at the origin of chordates
  • The amphioxus Hox cluster: characterization, comparative genomics, and evolution
  • Insights into spawning behavior and development of the European amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum)
  • Free amino acids in the nervous system of the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A comparative study
  • Evolution of the nitric oxide synthase family in vertebrates and novel insights in gill development
  • Hagfish genome illuminates vertebrate whole genome duplications and their evolutionary consequences
  • High-quality total RNA extraction from early-stage lamprey embryos
  • High-Quality Total RNA Extraction from Early-Stage Lamprey Embryos

Juan Pascual Anaya's public data