
John Lloyd

Independent Consultant on Biodiversity & Conservation (Zoology not elsewhere classified)

Vermont, USA

I work on behalf of clients from civil society, industry, and government to develop and advance initiatives that address pressing problems in sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. To do so, I combine deep technical expertise gained as a practicing scientist, experience leading diverse teams of scientists and practitioners, outstanding skills as a science editor and writer, and a well-honed familiarity with the opportunities and challenges of working at the science-policy interface. I have also worked as a consultant on issues of science and conservation to organizations and governments throughout the world, including WWF International, the Luc Hoffman Institute, USDA Forest Service, and the Canadian Wildlife Service. You can find more information about my research on ResearchGate ( or by visiting my Google Scholar page (


  • Demography of Reintroduced Eastern Bluebirds and Brown-Headed Nuthatches. DOI: 10.2193/2008-009
  • Environmental Factors Affecting Productivity of Brown-Headed Nuthatches DOI: 10.2193/2006-384
  • Tests of landscape influence: nest predation and brood parasitism in fragmented ecosystems. DOI: 10.1890/04-1790
  • Sibling competition and the evolution of prenatal development rates. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2002.2289

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Co-workers & collaborators

Kent McFarland

Conservation Biologist - Vermont

Kent McFarland

Steve Faccio

Steve Faccio

John Lloyd's public data