- Pain Talking: exploring the experience, expression and description of chronic pain through creative processes and visualisation strategies
- Head-Up; an interdisciplinary, participatory and co-design process informing the development of a novel neck support for people living with progressive neck muscle weakness with an initial focus on those motor neurone disease
- Inter and intra-Rater Reliability of Accuracy of Testicular volume Evaluation (IRRATE): a simulation study
- Evaluating a novel cervical orthosis to support neck weakness in patients with motor neurone disease
- “Seeing” the Difference: The Importance of Visibility and Action as a Mark of “Authenticity” in Co-production
- Development of the Preferred Components for Co-Design in Research Guideline and Checklist: Protocol for a Scoping Review and a Modified Delphi Process
- ‘Using Lego as a tool for reflection – a Lego Serious Play workshop’
- How to involve people in authentic and meaningful co-production – using Lego.
- Empathetic design research and development in practice; co-development of an innovative head and neck support for people with Motor Neurone Disease
- ‘Vertebral fragility fractures: co-designing solutions to promote independence and quality of life based on the needs of service users’
- Vertebral fragility fractures: co-designing solutions to promote independence and quality of life based on the needs of service users’
- Using co-design workshops to develop a ward-level patient experience improvement toolkit’
- ‘Using Knowledge Mobilisation Theory to inform the design of the co-design workshop for healthcare research and innovation’
- Co-production practice and future research priorities in United Kingdom-funded applied health research: a scoping review
- Conducting a research co-production project: A principle-based approach
- Co-designing resources for knowledge-based self-reflection for people living withParkinson's disease to better enable independent living
- COVID co-design does not *HAVE* to be digital! Why "which platform should we use?" should not be your first question
- Putting guidelines into practice: Using co‐design to develop a complex intervention based on NG48 to enable care staff to provide daily oral care to older people living in care homes
- Promoting co-production in the generation and use of research evidence to improve service provision in special care dentistry
- Risk & Reward. Exploring Design’s role in measuring outcomes in health
- Unpacking the Cinderella black box of complex intervention development through the Partners at Care Transitions (PACT) programme of research
- Leading co-production in five UK collaborative research partnerships (2008–2018): responses to four tensions from senior leaders using auto-ethnography
- Co-production in Action: Number Two
- Playing’ with Evidence; combining creative co-design methods with realist evidence synthesis.
- Do Research–Practice Partnerships Offer a Promising Approach to Producing Research that Improves Social Care Practice and Outcomes?
- Context and the evidence-based paradigm: The potential for participatory research and systems thinking in oral health.
- Abstracts from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017
- Commentary: Collaboration for clinical innovation: a nursing and engineering alliance for better patient care
- Designing with and for older people
- Evaluating a novel cervical orthosis, the Sheffield Support Snood, in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease with neck weakness
- A simulation study assessing the accuracy and reliability of orchidometer estimation of testicular volume.
- Improving the oral health of older people in care homes (TOPIC): a protocol for a feasibility study
- COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy and Practice: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance
- Exploring the value and role of creative practices in research co-production
- Inter and intra-rater reliability of accuracy of testicular volume evaluation: a simulation study
- A comfort assessment of existing cervical orthoses
- Recovery and Renewal of Co-design Approaches in Health through a Pandemic: a realist synthesis (Preprint)
- ‘Collective making’ as knowledge mobilisation: the contribution of participatory design in the co-creation of knowledge in healthcare
- Using patient experience data to develop a patient experience toolkit to improve hospital care: a mixed-methods study
- ‘Function First—Be Active, Stay Independent’—promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: a protocol for a realist synthesis with embedded co-production and co-design
- Re-Framing the Knowledge to Action Challenge Through NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellows Comment on "CIHR Health System Impact Fellows: Reflections on ‘Driving Change’ Within the Health System"
- Innovative solutions to enhance safe and green environments for ageing well using co-design through patient and public involvement
- Training using a simulation-based workshop reduces inaccuracies in estimations of testicular volume.
- Innovative solutions to enhance safe and green environments for ageing well using stakeholder co-design.
- Evaluating a novel cervical orthosis, the Sheffield Support Snood, in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease with neck weakness.
- Low-Contact Co-Design: Considering more flexible spatiotemporal models for the co-design workshop
- ‘Function First’: how to promote physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions managed in primary care? A study combining realist and co-design methods
- Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions in primary care: the Function First realist synthesis with co-design
- Real-World Evaluation of the Feasibility, Acceptability and Safety of a Remote, Self-Management Parkinson’s Disease Care Pathway: A Healthcare Improvement Initiative
- Recovery and Renewal of Co-design in Health Beyond the Pandemic: a realist synthesis (Preprint)
- Neck Orthosis
- Using design to mobilise knowledge from health research into practice
- Assessment of the Sheffield Support Snood, an innovative cervical orthosis designed for people affected by neck weakness
- Head-Up: Co-designing of novel neck orthoses for MND patients
- Head Up: Co-design of a novel neck orthosis for Motor Neurone Disease Patients
- A paediatric technology innovation network and pipeline
- Head-Up Neck Collar Comfort Assessment
- The impact of neck weakness and experiences of using neck orthoses in people with motor neurone disease
- Head-Up Part 1: development of validation tools for a participatory design process
- Understanding the use of tools for opening packaging
- Improving self-efficacy in spinal cord injury patients through "design thinking" rehabilitation workshops
- Food for Thought? - A UK pilot study testing a methodology for compositional domestic food waste analysis
- The use of uncertainty analysis as a food waste estimation tool
- Is green a grey area? Sustainability and inclusivity: Recycling and the ageing population
- Help or hindrance: The use of tools for opening packaging
- How wide do you want the Jar?: The effect on diameter for ease of opening for wide-mouth closures
- Thinking through design and rehabilitation
- Attributes of packaging and influences on waste
- User involvement in the early development of assistive technology devices
- Finger friction: Grip and opening packaging
- Openability: Producing design limits for consumer packaging
- The use of uncertainty analysis for the design of container closures
- Husband, daughter, son and postman, hotwater, knife and towel: Assistive strategies for jar opening
- Squeezability. Part 2: Getting stuff out of a bottle
- Size does matter: Further studies in hand-pack interaction using computer simulation
- 'Inclusive' design for containers: Improving openability
- A numerical model of closure lining materials
- A numerical simulation of the roll-on-pilfer-proof (ROPP) process on a GF305 thread
- Is green a grey area? Sustainability and inclusivity; recycling and
- 8 Ways to speed up coproduction
- NIHR KNOW-PH Collection
- NIHR KNOW-PH Collection
- Rebuilding Investigations Kit
- COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice
- COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice
- Recovery and Renewal of Co-Design Approaches in Health: Protocol for a Realist Synthesis (Preprint)
- Recovery and Renewal of Co-Design Approaches in Health: Protocol for a Realist Synthesis
- The contributions of creative approaches towards knowledge mobilisation in public health interventions: a scoping review.
- The contributions of creative approaches towards knowledge mobilisation in public health interventions: a scoping review.
- Mobilising NIHR research in public health planning and delivery - Podcast
- Mobilising NIHR research in public health planning and delivery - Podcast
- Video explainer for Lincolnshire county council and KNOW-PH:Mobilising evidence for employee health and wellbeing mini website
- Video explainer for Lincolnshire county council and KNOW-PH:Mobilising evidence for employee health and wellbeing mini website
- Video explainer for Lincolnshire county council and KNOW-PH:Mobilising evidence for employee health and wellbeing mini website.
- Video explainer for Lincolnshire county council and KNOW-PH:Mobilising evidence for employee health and wellbeing mini website.
- How can research funders make the most of the knowledge they already have?
- How can research funders make the most of the knowledge they already have?
- Co-production: How fast can it go? A 2024 UK KMb Forum Ideas Jam
- Co-production: How fast can it go? A 2024 UK KMb Forum Ideas Jam
- Context and the evidence based paradigm: The potential for participatory research and systems thinking in oral health
- The Starworks Project: Annual Report to National Institute for Health Research 2017-2018
- The Starworks Project: Annual Report to National Institute for Health Research 2018-2019
- Child prosthetics - a perspective
- Training using a simulation-based workshop reduces inaccuracies in estimations of testicular volume
- Circle of Care for Home: Community Stroke Services Sheffield. Project Report, Part 1: January 2021
- A simulation study assessing the accuracy and reliability of orchidometer estimation of testicular volume.
- 'Function First—Be Active, Stay Independent'—promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: a protocol for a realist synthesis with embedded co-production and co-design
- Developing a technology to enable the rapid diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI)
- What is the role of primary care in reducing the decline in physical function and physical activity in people with long-term conditions? Findings from realist theory-building workshops using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®(abstract only).
- Co-designing resources for knowledge based self-reflection for people living with Parkinson’s disease to better enable independent living [abstract only]
- Designing with and for Older People
- Correction: Leading co-production in five UK collaborative research partnerships (2008-2018): responses to four tensions from senior leaders using auto-ethnography.
- The Value of a Research Through Design approach to explore Healthcare Service Provision
- P30 - Patient involvement at every stage: design and coproduction of the Head Up neck support collar
- 'Collective Making' as knowledge mobilisation: the contribution of participatory design in the co-creation of knowledge in healthcare
- Using policy codesign to achieve multi-sector alignment in adolescent behavioral health: a study protocol
- Starworks: Politics, Power and Expertise in co-producing a research, patient, practice and industry partnership for child prosthetics
- The need for distributed co-design in healthcare contexts
- ‘Playing’ with Evidence: combining creative co-design methods with realist evidence synthesis
- Design, behaviour change and long term conditions: he impact of demonstrating design skills to adolescents with chronic pain
- How Lego Serious Play supports team building through the creative co-production
- Do research practice partnerships offer a promising approach to producing knowledge that improves social care practice and outcomes?
- Starworks Network website: "Starworks - Innovations in prosthetics for young people"
- What is the role of primary care in reducing the decline in physical function and physical activity in people with long-term conditions? Findings from realist synthesis with co-design.
- Exploring Primary Care physical activity interventions using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
- Starworks Network Twitter page
- 3.3 Conducting a Research Coproduction Project
- Enhancing uptake of an exercise programme after stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) - a co-production event
- Starworks Ambassador Network and Facebook group
- Co-production in Action. Number Two. Case Study 3: The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Child Prosthetics Research Project
- Recovery and Renewal of Co-design Approaches in Health through a Pandemic: a realist synthesis.
- Collection of salivary steroids in children under conditions replicating home sampling
- Invited masterclass: Creative thinking and problem solving
- Using Knowledge Mobilisation Theory to inform the design of the co-design workshop for healthcare research and innovation
- Using co-design workshops to develop a ward-level patient experience improvement toolkit
- ‘Making’ Knowledge, ‘Making’ Impact
- Using design to mobilise knowledge from health research into practice
- Participatory design : co-creation | co-production | co-design combining imaging and knowledge
- The impact of neck weakness and experiences of using neck orthoses in people with motor neuron disease
- Squeezability. Part 2: getting stuff out of a bottle
- Is green a grey area? sustainability and inclusivity: recycling and the ageing population
- Finger friction: grip and opening packaging
- Evaluating a novel cervical orthosis, the Sheffield Support Snood, in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease with neck weakness
- Openability: producing design limits for consumer packaging
- How wide do you want the jar?: The effect on diameter for ease of opening for wide-mouth closures
- ‘Inclusive’ design for containers: improving openability
- Help or Hindrance: The Use of Tools for Opening Packaging
- Size does matter: further studies in hand–pack interaction using computer simulation
- Husband, daughter, son and postman, hot-water, knife and towel : assistive strategies for jar opening
- Being interdisciplinary..... creating a culture for the academics of tomorrow
- EngagingAging : meaningful participation for older people in research and innovation
- Head Up ‘Neck Collar Comfort Assessment’
- Assisted Services - Physical support or psychological blow?
- Using 3D stereophotogrammetry to evaluate the stability, and positional accuracy of a breast immobilisation device
- Co-design and development of a specific cervical orthosis to support neck weakness due to neurological disease
- The Intra- and Inter-User Reliability of Testicular Volume Estimation - A Simulation Study
- Head Up, ‘Co-designing of novel neck orthosis for MND Patients’
- Head-Up : co-designing novel neck orthosis for neck weakness in MND
- Head-Up; a case study of participatory design as knowledge synthesis
- How to involve people in authentic and meaningful co-production – using Lego
- Design practice into healthcare
- Bringing design practice into healthcare
- Designing in health: lessons and opportunities from the UK Health Service
- Service improvement by design
- Participatory healthcare innovation
- Thinking with your hands : participatory design and creative practices as knowledge co-creation
- Inclusive design: making packaging easier to open for all
- Understanding the roll-on-pilfer-proof process
- The 'inclusive engineering' approach: an optimum diameter for ease of opening
- Is green a grey area? Sustainability and inclusivity; the ageing population and recycling
- Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with physical literacy in a large sample of Canadian children aged 8 to 12 years
- A Theoretically Informed Process Evaluation in Parallel to a Feasibility Study of a Complex Oral Health Intervention Using NICE Guidelines in a Care Home Setting
- KNOW-PH Rapid Review Process
- KNOW-PH Rapid Review Process
- The Perfect Host. Archiving Research Communications for Lasting Impact
- The Perfect Host. Archiving Research Communications for Lasting Impact
- Learn Together Resources
- Learn Together Resources
- Creative Practices & Coproduction_ a Special Issue for 'Evidence & Policy' - Lab4Living _ Design for Health & Wellbeing _ Sheffield Hallam University.pdf
- "Exploring the value and role of creative practices in research co-production"
- "Exploring the value and role of creative practices in research co-production"
- Researcher blog; Sources of inspiration for creative practices in co-production - Lab4Living, Design for Health & Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
- Researcher blog; Sources of inspiration for creative practices in co-production - Lab4Living, Design for Health & Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
- Four questions relating to creativity and co-production – Evidence & Policy Blog
- Lab4Living leads on Special Issue in Evidence & Policy journal - The CCRI Impact Blog
- Lab4Living leads on Special Issue in Evidence & Policy journal - The CCRI Impact Blog
- Creative Practices & Coproduction; a Special Issue for 'Evidence & Policy' - Lab4Living, Design for Health & Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
- Researcher blog; Guest editing a Special Issue for Evidence & Policy during COVID - Lab4Living, Design for Health & Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
- Researcher blog; Guest editing a Special Issue for Evidence & Policy during COVID - Lab4Living, Design for Health & Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University
- Four questions relating to creativity and co-production – Evidence & Policy Blog
- TITCH Schools programme
- TITCH Schools programme