
Joanne Berry-Frith

Lecturer Graphic Design and Illustration (Creative arts and writing)


As well as conducting practice-based research I exhibit regularly throughout the Country and Internationally with pieces in the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A), Arts Council England (ACE) Collections, Nottingham University Medical School and Zeiss Microscopy Labs, Munich, Germany. From the year 2000 attaining cumulative money applications totalling £203K. Awarded by ACE, Wellcome Trust, AHRC, AHRB, ESPRC, local authorities, Arts for Health and global companies. Hijacking Natural Systems funded by Wellcome Trust, ACE, Derby City Council and Derby Museum & Arts Gallery (2012). This was a highly successful project nominated by Nottingham University for The Times Higher Education Award and cited by the Wellcome Trust as an exemplar of a successful Arts and Engagement project. Artwork from this project was featured in the BBC4 TV series The Beauty of Anatomy (2014, 2017) presented by Dr Adam Rutherford. Residencies include Florence Trust, London, Natural History Museum, London.

From 2015 to 2019, I collaborated with scientists at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE). From 2016 to 2019, I collaborated with the Biofilms Research Centre at Malmö University and the Centre for Cellular Imaging at Gothenburg University, Sweden, using multi-photon microscopy to explore skin as raw data. Currently working on an art project focusing on my Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) research conducted in collaboration with Dr Alex Ball, manager of the Science Infrastructure Platforms Imaging and Analysis Centre (IAC) at the Natural History Museum (NHM), London, in 2015 and 2024.

2025–2030 DIALOG: Understanding Disorganisation: A Language-focused Global Initiative in Psychosis funded by The Wellcome Trust. Principal Applicant: Lena Palaniyappan. Main institution: Douglas Hospital Research Centre, Montreal, Canada.Co-applicants: Valentina Bambini, Neil Harrison, Tilo Kircher, Gina Kuperberg, Susan Rossell, Krish Singh, Iris Sommer. Collaborators: Maria F. Alonso, Sylvain Baillet, Joanne Berry-Frith, Marta Bosia, Erik de Vries, Oli Delgaram-Nejad, Frederico Frau, Hashwin Ganesh, Micheal Mackinley, Milica Miocevic, Frederike Stein, Philip Sumner, Sunny X. Tang, Philip Tibbo, Alban Voppel, Lin Wang.


  • https:
  • Advancing art–science collaboration through a framework of play: What is the purpose of generating hand-drawn representations of technologically advanced, high-resolution image-data?
  • A Framework For Reflection: Using Play To Understand The Relationship Between Art And Bioimaging

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Co-workers & collaborators

Lara Skelly

Open Research Manager for Data and Methods - Loughborough

Lara Skelly

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