- Introduction to latent class analysis for reading fluency research
- Best practices for addressing missing data through multiple imputation
- Understanding policies and practices that support successful transitions to kindergarten
- Preschool Teachers’ Implementation Fidelity When Using a Technology-Mediated Language and Literacy Intervention
- Examining Quality in Two Preschool Settings: Publicly Funded Early Childhood Education and Inclusive Early Childhood Education Classrooms
- Why do early mathematics skills predict later reading? The role of mathematical language
- The nonlinear relations of the approximate number system and mathematical language to early mathematics development
- Kindergarten Impacts of a Preschool Language-Focused Intervention
- A latent profile analysis of math achievement, numerosity, and math anxiety in twins
- Caregiver Implementation of a Home-Based Reading Program WithTheir Children With Disabilities: Patterns of Adherence
- Empirically Based Profiles of the Early Literacy Skills of Children With Language Impairment in Early Childhood Special Education
- Designing caregiver-implemented shared-reading interventions to overcome implementation barriers
- Does mixing age groups in early childhood education settings support children’s language development?
- Increasing Caregivers’ Adherence to an Early-Literacy Intervention Improves the Print Knowledge of Children with Language Impairment
- SKIPing With Head Start Teachers: Influence of T-SKIP on Object-Control Skills
- Algorithm-driven dosage decisions (AD3): Optimizing treatment for children with language impairment
- Staff Practices and Social Skill Outcomes in a Sport-Based Youth Program
- Professional development for early childhood educators: Efforts to improve math and science learning opportunities in early childhood classrooms
- Early childhood educators' knowledge, beliefs, education, experiences, and children's language- and literacy-learning opportunities: What is the connection?
- Intensity of language treatment: contribution to children's language outcomes
- Establishing language benchmarks for children with typically developing language and children with language impairment
- Pressure points in reading comprehension: A quantile multiple regression analysis
- Print-Focused Read-Alouds in Early Childhood Special Education Programs
- Child language and parent discipline mediate the relation between family income and false belief understanding
- Longitudinal impacts of print-focused read-alouds for children with language impairment
- The mediating role of classroom quality on peer effects and language gain in pre-kindergarten ECSE classrooms
- Association between Television Viewing and Parent-Child Reading in the Early Home Environment
- Predictors of language gains among school-age children with language impairment in the public schools
- Individual differences in response to a large-scale language and pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers in Denmark
- SKIPing with teachers: an early years motor skill intervention
- Designing Effective Speech-Language Interventions for Children in the Public Schools: Leverage the Spacing Effect
- Using hierarchical linear modeling to examine how individual SLPs differentially contribute to children’s language and literacy gains in public schools
- Decoding skills in children with language impairment: Contributions of phonological processing and classroom experiences
- Comparing Children with ASD and Their Peers’ Growth in Print Knowledge
- Do early learning and literacy support at home predict preschoolers’ narrative skills?
- Modeling the nature of grammar and vocabulary trajectories from prekindergarten to third grade
- Fidelity of implementation for an early-literacy intervention: Dimensionality and contribution to children's intervention outcomes
- The home-literacy environment of young children with disabilities
- School readiness of children with language impairment: Predicting literacy skills from pre-literacy and social-behavioural dimensions
- Small-Group, Emergent Literacy Intervention Under Two Implementation Models: Intent-to-Treat and Dosage Effects for Preschoolers at Risk for Reading Difficulties
- Early childhood language gains, kindergarten readiness, and Grade 3 reading achievement
- From the trajectory of heritability to the heritability of trajectories
- Should I allow my confirmatory factors to correlate during factor score extraction? Implications for the applied researcher
- Latent Profile Moderation: Examining the Differential Impact of a Small-Group Emergent Literacy Intervention
- Can resilience change over time? Patterns and transitions in resilience among young children involved with the child welfare system
- Behavior Management and Engagement During Small-Group Instruction as Predictors of Preschoolers’ Literacy Skill Outcomes
- The early writing skills of children identified as at-risk for literacy difficulties
- Alignment Between Children’s Numeracy Performance, the Kindergarten Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, and State-Level Early Learning Standards
- Data Sharing in Education Science
- Response to Fuson, Clements, and Sarama Commentary on Litkowski, Duncan, Logan, and Purpura (2020)
- Extending conditional means modeling: An introduction to quantile regression
- Reading development in young children: Genetic and environmental influences
- Linear and quadratic growth models for continuous and dichotomous outcomes
- Rapid serial naming and reading ability: The role of lexical access
- Heritability across the distribution: An application of quantile regression
- Relations among home literacy environment, child characteristics and print knowledge for preschool children with language impairment
- Improving Language-Focused Comprehension Instruction in Primary-Grade Classrooms: Impacts of the Let’s Know! Experimental Curriculum
- Peer Effects in Early Childhood Education: Testing the Assumptions of Special-Education Inclusion
- Quality of language intervention provided to primary-grade students with language impairment
- Comparing Emergent-Literacy Skills and Home-Literacy Environment of Children With Autism and Their Peers
- Impact of prematurity on language skills at school age
- Why children differ in motivation to learn: Insights from over 13,000 twins from 6 countries
- Children's Attendance Rates and Quality of Teacher-Child Interactions in At-Risk Preschool Classrooms: Contribution to Children's Expressive Language Growth
- It Depends: Conditional Correlation Between Frequency of Storybook Reading and Emergent Literacy Skills in Children With Language Impairments
- School profiles of at-risk student concentration: Differential growth in oral reading fluency
- Component processes in reading: Shared and unique variance in serial and isolated naming speed
- Integration of literacy into speech-language therapy: A descriptive analysis of treatment practices
- Emergent literacy profiles among prekindergarten children from low-SES backgrounds: Longitudinal considerations
- Influences on the congruence between parents' and teachers' ratings of young children's social skills and problem behaviors
- Genetic and environmental influences on the growth of early reading skills
- Quantile Regression in the Study of Developmental Sciences
- Exploring how nature and nurture affect the development of reading: An analysis of the florida twin project on reading
- Math Fluency Is Etiologically Distinct From Untimed Math Performance, Decoding Fluency, and Untimed Reading Performance: Evidence From a Twin Study
- Do the symptoms of language disorder align with treatment goals? An exploratory study of primary-grade students' IEPs
- Genetic covariation underlying reading, language and related measures in a sample selected for specific language impairment
- Profiles of Resilience among Children Exposed to Non-Maltreatment Adverse Childhood Experiences