


  • Oceanographic changes and exploitation drive the spatio-temporal dynamics of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
  • Pelagic diversity and climate change
  • Detecting plankton shifts in the North Sea: A new abrupt ecosystem shift between 1996 and 2003
  • Seafarer citizen scientist ocean transparency data as a resource for phytoplankton and climate research
  • Rapid climatic driven shifts of diatoms at high latitudes
  • Climate, copepods and seabirds in the boreal Northeast Atlantic - current state and future outlook
  • Population dynamics in lesser blackbacked gulls in the Netherlands support a North Sea regime shift
  • Forecasting climate-driven changes in the geographical range of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)
  • North Sea ecosystem change from swimming crabs to seagulls
  • Climatic Facilitation of the Colonization of an Estuary by Acartia tonsa
  • Changes in the distribution of copepods in the Gironde estuary: A warming and marinisation consequence?
  • Biologging, remotely-sensed oceanography and the continuous plankton recorder reveal the environmental determinants of a seabird wintering hotspot
  • Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift
  • Synchronous response of marine plankton ecosystems to climate in the Northeast Atlantic and the North Sea
  • Climate-induced range shifts of the American jackknife clam Ensis directus in Europe
  • Future vulnerability of marine biodiversity compared with contemporary and past changes
  • All plankton sampling systems underestimate abundance: Response to "Continuous plankton recorder underestimates zooplankton abundance" by J.W. Dippner and M. Krause
  • Uncertainties in the projection of species distributions related to general circulation models
  • Food web indicators under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: From complexity to simplicity?
  • Climate-Caused Abrupt Shifts in a European Macrotidal Estuary
  • Pelagic ecosystems and climate change
  • Long-term phenological shifts in raptor migration and climate
  • Quasi-deterministic responses of marine species to climate change
  • Extension of the match-mismatch hypothesis to predator-controlled systems
  • Estimation of the potential detection of diatom assemblages based on ocean color radiance anomalies in the North Sea
  • Applying the concept of the ecological niche and a macroecological approach to understand how climate influences zooplankton: Advantages, assumptions, limitations and requirements
  • Decline in Kelp in West Europe and Climate
  • Theoretical basis for predicting climate-induced abrupt shifts in the oceans
  • Weakening of the subpolar gyre as a key driver of North Atlantic seabird demography: A case study with Brünnich's guillemots in Svalbard
  • Marine Ecosystem Response to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
  • Understanding long-term changes in species abundance using a niche-based approach
  • Evaluating marine ecosystem health: Case studies of indicators using direct observations and modelling methods
  • In memoriam: Frédéric ibañez (1944-2013)
  • Long-term responses of North Atlantic calcifying plankton to climate change
  • Marine biological shifts and climate
  • From species distributions to ecosystem structure and function: A methodological perspective
  • Synchronous Marine Pelagic regime shifts in the Northern Hemisphere
  • How do marine pelagic species respond to climate change? Theories and observations
  • Global biogeochemical provinces of the mesopelagic zone
  • Biogeography of tuna and billfish communities
  • Global synchrony of an accelerating rise in sea surface temperature
  • Dynamic biogeochemical provinces in the global ocean
  • Towards an understanding of the pattern of biodiversity in the oceans
  • Reliability of spatial and temporal patterns of C. finmarchicus inferred from the CPR survey
  • Climate change and the ash dieback crisis
  • Towards an Understanding of Large-Scale Biodiversity Patterns on Land and in the Sea
  • Pelagic ecosystems and climate change. Global environmental change.
  • Augmentation des surprises climatiques dans l’océan
  • Evaluation rapide des perturbations anthropiques: cas de l'enrichissement en nutriments en milieux côtiers. .
  • An ecological partition of the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas
  • Chapter 1. Impacts of the oceans on climate change.
  • Potential changes in benthic macrofaunal distributions from the English Channel simulated under climate change scenarios
  • Decadal changes in climate and ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas
  • Modelled spatial distribution of marine fish and projected modifications in the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Foraging distributions of little auks Alle alle across the Greenland Sea: Implications of present and future Arctic climate change
  • Spawning stock and recruitment in North Sea cod shaped by food and climate
  • Marine biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and carbon cycles
  • Spatial changes in the sensitivity of Atlantic cod to climate-driven effects in the plankton
  • Monitoring marine plankton ecosystems: Identification of the most relevant indicators of the state of an ecosystem
  • On the processes linking climate to ecosystem changes
  • Causes and projections of abrupt climate-driven ecosystem shifts in the North Atlantic
  • A multivariate approach to large-scale variation in marine planktonic copepod diversity and its environmental correlates
  • Climate forcing on marine ecosystems
  • Multi-decadal oceanic ecological datasets and their application in marine policy and management
  • Marine copepod diversity patterns and the metabolic theory of ecology
  • Unanticipated biological changes and global warming
  • Climate, plankton and cod
  • Large bio-geographical shifts in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean: From the subpolar gyre, via plankton, to blue whiting and pilot whales
  • Climate-driven changes in coastal marine systems of western Europe
  • Early evaluation of coastal nutrient over-enrichment: New procedures and indicators
  • Warm-water decapods and the trophic amplification of climate in the North Sea
  • Reply to Comment on " A new procedure to optimize the selection of groups in a classification tree: Applications for ecological data"
  • Physiology, ecological niches and species distribution
  • Comparisons of zooplankton time series
  • A new model to assess the probability of occurrence of a species, based on presence-only data
  • Water column stability and Calanus finmarchicus
  • Global latitudinal variations in marine copepod diversity and environmental factors
  • Evaluation of coastal perturbations: A new mathematical procedure to detect changes in the reference state of coastal systems
  • Macrophysiology of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Relationships between North Atlantic salmon, plankton, and hydroclimatic change in the Northeast Atlantic
  • Global climate change amplifies the entry of tropical species into the eastern Mediterranean Sea
  • Synergistic effects of climate and fishing in a marine ecosystem
  • A new procedure to optimize the selection of groups in a classification tree: Applications for ecological data
  • Impacts of the oceans on climate change
  • Climate change impact on Balearic shearwater through a trophic cascade
  • Regime shifts in marine ecosystems: detection, prediction and management
  • Future climate-driven shifts in distribution of Calanus finmarchicus
  • Climate-induced effects on the meroplankton and the benthic-pelagic ecology of the North Sea
  • Trophic amplification of climate warming
  • Climate induced effects on the merozooplankton and the benthic pelagic coupling of the North Sea.
  • Synergistic effect of climate and fishing in a marine ecosystem.
  • Physiology, ecological niches and species distribution.
  • Monitoring marine plankton ecosystems: identification of the most relevant indicators of the state of an ecosystem
  • Modelled and projected decadal changes in the spatial distribution of C. finmarchicus.
  • Comparisons of zooplankton time series
  • Trophic amplification of climate warming
  • Conséquences des changements climatiques en milieu océanique
  • A new model to assess the probability of occurrence of a species based on presence-only data
  • Synergistic effect of climate and fishing in a marine ecosystem
  • Biodiversity of North Atlantic and North Sea calanoid copepods
  • Effect on the aquatic biological systems | Impact sur les systèmes biologiques aquatiques
  • An overview of statistical methods applied to CPR data
  • Spatial dependence of calanoid copepod diversity in the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Ocean climate anomalies and the ecology of the North Sea
  • Diversity of calanoid copepods in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas: Species associations and biogeography
  • Monitoring marine plankton ecosystems. II: Long-term changes in North Sea calanoid copepods in relation to hydro-climatic variability
  • The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) and its application to the study of the spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity in the North Atlantic and the North Sea | Le programme Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) et son application à l'étude des changements spatio-temporels de la biodiversié pélagique en Atlantique nord et en mer du Nord
  • Continuous plankton records: Plankton Atlas of the north Atlantic Ocean (1958-1999). II. Biogeographical charts
  • Geographical distribution and seasonal and diel changes in the diversity of calanoid copepods in the North Atlantic and North Sea
  • The Continuous Plankton Recorder: Concepts and history, from Plankton Indicator to undulating recorders
  • Spatial, seasonal and long-term fluctuations of plankton in relation to hydroclimatic features in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay
  • Monitoring marine plankton ecosystems. I: Description of an ecosystem approach based on plankton indicators
  • Differences in performance among four indices used to evaluate diversity in planktonic ecosystems
  • 2 Interregional biological responses in the North Atlantic to hydrometeorological forcing
  • Monitoring pelagic ecosystems using plankton indicators
  • Reorganization of North Atlantic marine copepod biodiversity and climate
  • Periodic changes in the zooplankton of the North Sea during the twentieth century linked to oceanic inflow
  • The impacts of the oceans on climate change
  • Simple procedures to assess and compare the ecological niche of species
  • Detecting regime shifts in the ocean: Data considerations
  • The North Sea regime shift: Evidence, causes, mechanisms and consequences
  • Long-term changes in phytoplankton, zooplankton and salmon related to climate
  • Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas
  • Climate effects and benthic-pelagic coupling in the North Sea
  • Resilience of the British and Irish seabird community in the twentieth century
  • Timing and abundance as key mechanisms affecting trophic interactions in variable environments
  • Responses of Marine Phytoplankton Populations to Fluctuations in Marine Climate
  • Macroecological study of Centropages typicus in the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Plankton effect on cod recruitment in the North Sea
  • Long-term changes in copepod abundance and diversity in the north-east Atlantic in relation to fluctuations in the hydroclimatic environment
  • Chapter 16 Zooplankton communities
  • Climate variability, fish, and fisheries
  • Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton
  • The volume of water filtered by a Continuous Plankton Recorder sample: The effect of ship speed
  • An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters
  • Continuous plankton records: Plankton Atlas of the north Atlantic Ocean (1958-1999). I. Introduction and methodology
  • Macro-ecological study of the niche of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas.
  • Simple procedures to assess and compare the ecological niche of species.
  • Impact sur les systèmes biologiques aquatiques

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Co-workers & collaborators

Eric Goberville

Eric Goberville

Elsa Breton

Elsa Breton