I am a PhD candidate in Classical Studies at the University of Reading. My doctoral research explores the daily religious life of people in Hellenistic Central Asia and how they would have co-existed in multi-religious spaces. My research is supported by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund, and the Spalding Trust. My broader research interests include ancient religious diversity, the movement of Buddhism into the Hellenistic and Roman East, religious self-sacrifice, uses of AI in ancient language pedagogy, and Buddhism in North America.


  • Ross, Edward A. S., and Jackie Baines. “Treading Water: New Data on the Impact of AI Ethics Information Sessions in Classics and Ancient Language Pedagogy.” The Journal of Classics Teaching 25, No. 50 (2024). 1-10.
  • Ross, Edward A. S. “A New Frontier: AI and Ancient Language Pedagogy.” The Journal of Classics Teaching 24, No. 48 (2023). 143-161.
  • Shi Huijiao. The Biographies of Eminent Monks. Tianshu Yang, translator. Edward A. S. Ross, editor. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2022.
  • Ross, Edward A. S. “Following Traces: The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures and Rinzai Zen in North America.” Symposia: The Journal of Religion 10 (2019). 20-42.
  • Ross, Edward A. S. “Rhapsodes, Bards, and Books: A Discussion of the Crystallized of Epic Poetry in Ancient Greece and Tibet.” Hirundo, the McGill Undergraduate Journal of Classical Studies XV (2017). 40-47.
  • Ross, Edward A. S. “Hakuin Ekaku: What is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?” Canons, the McGill Undergraduate Journal of Religious Studies 12 (2016). 11-17.
  • Ross, Edward A. S. “Roman Priestesses: A Woman’s Best Wedding Planner.” Hirundo, the McGill Undergraduate Journal of Classical Studies XIV (2016). 1-12.

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Jackie Baines

Jackie Baines

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