Clifton D. Fuller
Professor (Information and computing sciences; Other biomedical and clinical sciences not elsewhere classified; Radiation therapy; Radiology and organ imaging; Oncology and carcinogenesis not elsewhere classified)
Houston, TX, USA
- Magnetic Resonance-Guided Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancers
- Systematic Review of Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Acute Pain and Relevant Acute Toxicities Induced by Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer.
- Systematic Review of Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Acute Pain and Relevant Acute Toxicities Induced by Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer
- CD8 infiltration is associated with disease control and tobacco exposure in intermediate-risk oropharyngeal cancer
- Clustering of Largely Right-Censored Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancer Patients for Discriminative Groupings to Improve Outcome Prediction
- Inconsistent Partitioning and Unproductive Feature Associations Yield Idealized Radiomic Models
- Comprehensive Investigation on Controlling for CT Imaging Variabilities in Radiomics Studies
- In vivo assessment of the safety of standard fractionation Temporally Feathered Radiation Therapy (TFRT) for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: An R-IDEAL Stage 1/2a first-in-humans/feasibility demonstration of new technology implementation
- Segmentation stability of human head and neck cancer medical images for radiotherapy applications under de-identification conditions: benchmarking data sharing and artificial intelligence use-cases
- Application of simultaneous uncertainty quantification for image segmentation with probabilistic deep learning: Performance benchmarking of oropharyngeal cancer target delineation as a use-case
- Factors Associated With Open Access Publishing Costs in Oncology Journals: Cross-sectional Observational Study (Preprint)
- Factors Associated With Open Access Publishing Costs in Oncology Journals: Cross-sectional Observational Study
- Long‐term outcomes of modern multidisciplinary management of sinonasal cancers: The M. D. Anderson experience
- Patterns of Failure for Recurrent Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Salvage Surgery and Postoperative IMRT Reirradiation
- Identification of Key Elements in Prostate Cancer for Ontology Building via a Multidisciplinary Consensus Agreement
- DASS Good: Explainable Data Mining of Spatial Cohort Data
- Spatially-aware clustering improves AJCC-8 risk stratification performance in oropharyngeal carcinomas
- Prevalence of pituitary hormone dysfunction following radiotherapy for sinonasal and nasopharyngeal malignancies
- Factors Associated With Altmetric Attention Scores for Randomized Phase III Cancer Clinical Trials
- Systematic Review of Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Acute Pain Induced by Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers
- Dysphagia profiles after primary transoral robotic surgery or radiation for oropharyngeal cancer: A registry analysis
- Hypothyroidism following Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Opportunities to Improve the Therapeutic Ratio
- Highly conformal reirradiation in patients with prior oropharyngeal radiation: Clinical efficacy and toxicity outcomes
- Outcomes and toxicities following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for pulmonary metastases in patients with primary head and neck cancer
- Swallowing‐related outcomes associated with late lower cranial neuropathy in long‐term oropharyngeal cancer survivors: cross‐sectional survey analysis
- A prospective evaluation of health‐related quality of life after skull base re‐irradiation
- Prognostic factors and survival in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the sinonasal cavity
- Decreased gastrostomy tube incidence and weight loss after transoral robotic surgery for low‐ to intermediate‐risk oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
- Incompletely treated malignancies of the major salivary gland: Toward evidence‐based care
- Longitudinal Changes in the Carotid Arteries of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Following Radiation Therapy: Results from a Prospective Serial Imaging Biomarker Characterization Study
- Outcomes of patients diagnosed with carcinoma metastatic to the neck from an unknown primary source and treated with intensity‐modulated radiation therapy
- Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST): Scale development and validation
- Symptom burden as a driver of decisional regret in long‐term oropharyngeal carcinoma survivors
- Delayed lower cranial neuropathy after oropharyngeal intensity‐modulated radiotherapy: A cohort analysis and literature review
- Outcomes for olfactory neuroblastoma treated with induction chemotherapy
- Reply to radiotherapy for human papillomavirus‐positive oropharyngeal cancers in the National Cancer Data Base
- Data Farming to Table: Combined Use of a Learning Health System Infrastructure, Statistical Profiling, and Artificial Intelligence for Automating Toxicity and 3-year Survival for Quantified Predictive Feature Discovery from Real-World Data for Patients Having Head and Neck Cancers
- Combination Chemotherapy Optimization with Discrete Dosing
- Roses Have Thorns: Understanding the Downside of Oncological Care Delivery Through Visual Analytics and Sequential Rule Mining
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cancer Related Pain: A Systematic Review
- Tongue electrical impedance myography correlates with functional, neurophysiologic, and clinical outcome measures in long‐term oropharyngeal cancer survivors with and without hypoglossal neuropathy: An exploratory study
- Front Cover
- Dyadic Yoga for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiation and their Family Caregivers
- Lost in the Plot: Missing Visual Elements in Kaplan-Meier Plots of Phase III Oncology Trials
- Prevention and Management of Osteoradionecrosis in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy: ISOO-MASCC-ASCO Guideline
- Markov models for clinical decision‐making in radiation oncology: A systematic review
- Lost in the plot: missing visual elements in Kaplan-Meier plots of phase III oncology trials
- Application of simultaneous uncertainty quantification and segmentation for oropharyngeal cancer use-case with Bayesian deep learning
- Improving the clinical meaning of surrogate endpoints: An empirical assessment of clinical progression in phase III oncology trials
- Collaborative Filtering for the Imputation of Patient Reported Outcomes
- Mandibular dose-volume predicts time-to-osteoradionecrosis in an actuarial normal-tissue complication probability (NTCP) model: External validation of right-censored clinico-dosimetric and competing risk application across international multi-institutional observational cohorts and online graphical user interface clinical support tool assessment
- DITTO: A Visual Digital Twin for Interventions and Temporal Treatment Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer
- Code and Data Repository for Combination Chemotherapy Optimization with Discrete Dosing
- The QIBA Profile for Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Quantitative Imaging Biomarker
- Tumor-Associated Tractography Derived from High-Angular-Resolution Q-Space MRI May Predict Patterns of Cellular Invasion in Glioblastoma