
Charles Shobe

Assistant Professor of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University (Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)

Morgantown, WV, USA


  • Shobe, C.M., Tucker, G.E., and Anderson, R.S. (2016) Hillslope-derived blocks retard river incision, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 43, no. 10, p. 5070-5078. doi:10.1002/2016GL069262.
  • Shobe, C.M., Hancock, G.S., Eppes, M.C., and Small, E.E. (2017) Field evidence for the influence of weathering on rock erodibility and channel form in bedrock rivers, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 42, no. 13, p. 1997-2012. doi:10.1002/esp.4163.
  • Shobe, C.M., Tucker, G.E., and Barnhart, K.R. (2017) The SPACE 1.0 model: a Landlab component for 2-D calculation of sediment transport, bedrock erosion, and landscape evolution, Geoscientific Model Development, v. 10, no. 12, p. 4577-4604. doi:10.5194/gmd-10-4577-2017.
  • Shobe, C.M., Tucker, G.E., and Rossi, M.W. (2018) Variable-threshold behavior in rivers arising from hillslope-derived blocks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 123, no. 8, p. 1,931-1,957. doi:10.1029/2017JF004575.
  • Glade, R.C.*, Shobe, C.M.*, Anderson, R.S., and Tucker, G.E. (2019) Canyon shape and erosion dynamics governed by channel-hillslope feedbacks, Geology, doi:10.1130/G46219.1.
  • Shobe, C.M., Bennett, G.L., Tucker, G.E., Roback, K., Miller, S.R., and Roering, J.J. (2021) Boulders as a lithologic control on river and landscape response to tectonic forcing at the Mendocino triple junction, Geological Society of America Bulletin. doi:10.1130/B35385.1.
  • Shobe, C.M., Turowski, J.M., Nativ, R., Glade, R.C., Bennett, G.L., and Dini, B. (2021) The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards, Earth-Science Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103717. Invited review.
  • Shobe, C.M., Braun, J., Yuan, X.P., Campforts, B., Gailleton, B., Baby, G., Guillocheau, F., and Robin, C. (2022) Inverting passive margin stratigraphy for marine sediment transport dynamics over geologic time, Basin Research. doi:10.1111/bre.12698.
  • Shobe, C.M. (2022) How impervious are solar arrays? On the need for geomorphic assessment of energy transition technologies, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. doi:10.1002/esp.5489.

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Co-workers & collaborators

Greg Tucker

Greg Tucker

Benjamin Campforts

Benjamin Campforts

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