
Caterina Strambio De Castillia

Assistant Professor - Imaging Scientist

Worcester, MA, US


  • MethodsJ2: a software tool to capture metadata and generate comprehensive microscopy methods text
  • QUAREP-LiMi WGs 2 & 7 Joint endeavor: joining forces with manufacturers to build a shared community camera glossary and metadata model
  • Microscopy reproducibility for the real world: building interactive tools to document light microscopy experiments based on community specifications
  • QUAREP - WG7 - MetadataOpen microscopy documentation for the real world: interactive tools for quality, reproducibility and sharing value of imaging experiments based on community specifications
  • QUAREP-WG7: Open microscopy documentation for the real world: interactive tools for quality, reproducibility and sharing value of imaging experiments based on community specifications
  • Open microscopy documentation for the real world: interactive tools for quality, reproducibility and sharing value of imaging experiments based on community specifications
  • Community Guidelines and Tools for the Collection and Reporting of Microscopy Metadata
  • Results of community surveys organized by the members of the BioImaging North America – Quality Control and Data Management Working Group to understand the microscopy reporting and reprodubility needs of the bioimaging community
  • Research Data Management Community Guidelines and Tools for Reporting and Reproducibility in Light Microscopy
  • Community-driven fair data management and reproducibility for the whole image-data life cycle
  • Reporting of Microscopy Metadata - How to Improve Quality and Reproducibility in Bio-Imaging
  • IWG Abstract 3 - Capture of Microscopy Metadata associated with FISH Omics Chromatin Tracing Experiments on the 4DN-Data Portal
  • IWG Abstract 2: FAIR exchange of Chromatin Tracing datasets from the 4 DN Data Portal using the newly developed 4 DN FOF CT data exchange format
  • Reporting and reproducibility in microscopy through rigorous image publication and community-driven tools for research data management
  • Reporting & Reproducibility in Microscopy
  • WU-BIMAC/NBOMicroscopyMetadataSpecs: 4DN-BINA-OME (NBO) Microscopy Metadata Specifications - v2.01
  • Micro-Meta App: an interactive software tool to facilitate the collection of microscopy metadata based on community-driven specifications
  • Getting started with Micro-Meta App Tutorial
  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Electron: 1.6.19-b1-1 stable beta
  • Getting started with Micro-Meta App Tutorial
  • Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analysis
  • Towards a common standard for data and specimen provenance in life sciences
  • Micro-Meta App - React
  • Spatial and temporal organization of the genome: Current state and future aims of the 4D nucleome project
  • Towards community-driven metadata standards for light microscopy: tiered specifications extending the OME model
  • Micro-Meta App: an interactive tool for collecting microscopy metadata based on community specifications
  • Getting started with Micro-Meta App Tutorial
  • A perspective on Microscopy Metadata: data provenance and quality control
  • Towards community-driven metadata standards for light microscopy: tiered specifications extending the OME model
  • 4DN-BINA-OME (NBO) Tiered Microscopy Metadata Specifications - v2.01 - XSD schema
  • 4DN-BINA-OME (NBO) Tiered Microscopy Metadata Specifications - v2.01 - XLS Spreadsheet and Entity Relationship schemas
  • Micro-Meta App - Electron
  • Micro-Meta App - OMERO plug-in
  • 4DN Metadata Schema XSD to JSON Converter
  • 4DN Microscopy Metadata Reader
  • ISO 23494: Biotechnology – Provenance Information Model for Biological Specimen And Data
  • Towards a Common Standard for Data and Specimen Provenance in Life Sciences
  • MethodsJ2: A Software Tool to Improve Microscopy Methods Reporting
  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Electron: 1.3.3-b1-1 stable beta
  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-React: 4DN v5 Integration - XVI
  • OmegaProject/Omega: Omega public beta release 0.47
  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Omero: 1.2.2-b1-1 stable beta
  • Example Microscopy Metadata JSON files produced using Micro-Meta App to document the acquisition of example images using the custom-built TIRF Epifluorescence Structured Illumination Microscope
  • QUAREP‐LiMi: A community‐driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
  • SnapFISH: a computational pipeline to identify chromatin loops from multiplexed DNA FISH data
  • Example Microscopy Metadata JSON files produced using Micro-Meta App to document example microscopy experiments performed at individual core facilities
  • Microscopy metadata: more important and less boring than you think
  • REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images-enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology.
  • QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy.
  • MDEmic: a metadata annotation tool to facilitate management of FAIR image data in the bioimaging community
  • Micro-Meta App documentation and tutorials
  • QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
  • The DHODH Inhibitor PTC299 Arrests SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Suppresses Induction of Inflammatory Cytokines
  • The DHODH inhibitor PTC299 arrests SARS-CoV-2 replication and suppresses induction of inflammatory cytokines.
  • The 4DN-OME ontology: an OME-OWL extension with emphasis on usability, minimum information guidelines, and quality control for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
  • Adaptable Community Standards and Intuitive Metadata Collection Tools for Quantitative Light Microscopy
  • Adaptable Community Standards and Intuitive Metadata Collection Tools for Quantitative Microscopy
  • Adaptable Community Standards and Intuitive Metadata Collection Tools for Quantitative Microscopy
  • BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group: increasing reproducibility, in biomedical imaging through shared imaging standards
  • OMERO: keeping track of your image data, imaging experiments and image analysis + producing figures
  • Community driven Minimum Information Guidelines for light microscopy: increasing the value, quality, and reproducibility of image data
  • Community driven Minimum Information Guidelines for light microscopy: increasing the value, quality, and reproducibility of image data
  • Micro-Meta App: an interactive software tool to facilitate collection of 4DN-BINA-OME compliant Microscopy Metadata
  • Micro-Meta App: an interactive software tool to facilitate collection of 4DN-BINA-OME compliant Microscopy Metadata
  • Micro-Meta App: an interactive software to facilitate the collection of OME-compliant microscopy metadata based on community-driven specifications
  • ISO 23494: Biotechnology - Provenance Information Model for Biological Specimen and Data
  • Metadata and Performance Tracking for Fluorescent Microscopes - Lowering the Documentation Burden - Micro-Meta App, An Interactive Tool for the Collection of Microscopy Metadata Based on the 4DN-OME Tiered System of Guidelines
  • Metadata and Performance Tracking for Fluorescent Microscopes - Towards a Shared Microscopy Ontology - The 4DN-OME ontology: an OME-OWL extension with emphasis on usability, minimum information guidelines and quality control for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
  • An algorithm-centric Monte Carlo method to empirically quantify motion type estimation uncertainty in single-particle tracking
  • CancerAvatarOmeroImporter
  • Increasing reproducibility, data quality and fidelity in biomedical imaging through data provenance, quality control and unified imaging pipelines
  • Reproducibility and Fidelity in biomedical imaging through the capture of data provenance and the use of easy-to-use unified imaging pipelines
  • Cyclophilin A protects HIV-1 from restriction by human TRIM5α.
  • OMEGA: a software tool for the management, analysis, and dissemination of intracellular trafficking data that incorporates motion type classification and quality control
  • OmegaProject/OmegaCommons
  • OmegaProject/GenericTools
  • OmegaProject/OmegaOmeroCommons
  • OmegaProject/TrajectoryGenerator
  • OmegaProject/ArtificialImageGenerator
  • 4DNMicroscopyMetadataTool
  • OmegaProject/ImageJPlugins
  • CancerAvatarOmeroDataWriter
  • From “Pretty Pictures” to Quantitative Datasets: catalyzing advanced open-source image data management and analysis solutions through local application delivery hubs
  • Practical demonstration of the Micro-Meta App Java prototype: a tool to collect metadata for standardized imaging experiment annotation
  • OmegaProject/Minimum Information About Particle Tracking Experiments (MIAPTE) guidelines
  • From “Pretty Pictures” to Quantitative Datasets: shared infrastructure to promote throughput, quality-control, reproducibility and dissemination
  • From “Pretty Pictures” to Quantitative Datasets: catalyzing advanced open-source image data management and analysis solutions through local application delivery hubs
  • Increasing reproducibility, data quality and fidelity in biomedical imaging through data provenance, quality control and unified imaging pipelines
  • Reproducibility in biomedical imaging: the importance of data life-cycle management and metadata standards
  • Reproducibility in biomedical imaging: the importance of metadata standards to capture data provenance
  • From “Pretty Pictures” to Quantitative Datasets: increasing reproducibility, in biomedical imaging through data management, shared standards and unified pipelines
  • Reproducibility in biomedical imaging through the use of flexible and intuitive biomedical imaging pipelines facilitating all steps of the imaging workflow
  • Capture, Management and Integration of Experimental information, Image-data, Analysis results, and Error propagation
  • OMEGA: a software tool for the management, analysis, and dissemination of intracellular trafficking data that incorporates motion type classification and quality control
  • Towards the establishment of a UMass Bio-Image data Management and Analysis Center
  • Minimum Information guidelines for fluorescence microscopy: increasing the value, quality, and fidelity of image data
  • Micro-Meta App website
  • Microscopy Metadata 4DN Guidelines
  • MDEmic in a use case for microscopy metadata harmonization: Facilitating FAIR principles in practical application with metadata annotation tools
  • The 4DN-OME ontology: an OME-OWL extension with emphasis on usability, minimum information guidelines and quality control for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
  • OMEGA: viral particle tracking work- and data-flows for images stored in OMERO
  • Mutational analysis of the major homology region of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus by use of saturation mutagenesis.
  • OMEGA: a novel bioimage informatics tool for integrated image analysis
  • The essential yeast nucleoporin NUP159 is located on the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex and serves in karyopherin-mediated binding of transport substrate.
  • Minimum Information About Particle Tracking Experiments.
  • Ranking Fragment Ions Based on Outlier Detection for Improved Label-Free Quantification in Data-Independent Acquisition LC-MS/MS.
  • The nuclear basket proteins Mlp1p and Mlp2p are part of a dynamic interactome including Esc1p and the proteasome.
  • OMEGA project website: OMEGA, an open-source tool to foster collaboration in particle tracking experiments
  • The nuclear pore complex-associated protein, Mlp2p, binds to the yeast spindle pole body and promotes its efficient assembly.
  • Rapid isolation of functionally intact nuclei from the yeast Saccharomyces
  • Evidence for biphasic uncoating during HIV-1 infection from a novel imaging assay.
  • Presence of Transcriptional Elements in Putative Human Replication Origins
  • Jumping over the fence: RNA nuclear export revisited
  • OMEGA prototype tool – wiki main page: OMEGA 2011-2012 prototype release
  • Optimization of human dendritic cell sample preparation for mass spectrometry-based proteomic studies.
  • The Use of Variable Q1 Isolation Windows Improves Selectivity in LC-SWATH-MS Acquisition.
  • Processing strategies and software solutions for data-independent acquisition in mass spectrometry.
  • Optimization by infusion of multiple reaction monitoring transitions for sensitive quantification of peptides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
  • TAPping into transport
  • The nuclear pore complex: bridging nuclear transport and gene regulation.
  • Gli aggregati sintrofici di Thiodictyion syntrophicum CAD16 e Desulfocapsa thiozymogenes CAD626 del lago di Cadagno
  • Proteins connecting the nuclear pore complex with the nuclear interior.
  • Two yeast nuclear pore complex proteins involved in mRNA export form a cytoplasmically oriented subcomplex.
  • Isolation and characterization of nuclear envelopes from the yeast Saccharomyces.
  • Isolation of nuclear envelope from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  • The structure and composition of the yeast NPC.
  • Isolation of Yeast Nuclear Pore Complex and Nuclear Envelopes
  • A method for the rapid and efficient elution of native affinity-purified protein A tagged complexes.
  • Isolation of Yeast Nuclear Pore Complex and Nuclear Envelopes
  • AntiVirX Project Wiki
  • Identification and characterization of Mlp1p and Mlp2p: Molecular components of filaments localized at the interface between the nuclear pore complex and the nuclear interior
  • Open Microscopy Environment inteGrated Analysis (OMEGA) - alpha prototype
  • Open Microscopy Environment inteGrated Analysis (OMEGA)
  • Capture, Management and Integration of Experimental information, Image-data, Analysis results, and Error propagation
  • Bringing OME to the bench
  • OMEGA: viral particle tracking work- and data-flows for images stored in OMERO
  • OMEGA: an open source environment to facilitate the execution of motion analysis workflows, to estimate error and to share results
  • OMEGA: an open source environment to facilitate the analysis of intra-cellular motion, the estimation of error and the reproducibility and dissemination of analysis results
  • OMEGA: an open source environment to facilitate the execution of motion analysis workflows, to estimate error and to share results
  • Testing the use of OMERO as a bioimage informatics platform for HIV viral particle tracking
  • TRIM5 is an innate immune sensor for the retrovirus capsid lattice.
  • Cyclosporine blocks incorporation of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein into virions.
  • Potent inhibition of HIV-1 by TRIM5-cyclophilin fusion proteins engineered from human components.
  • An invariant surface patch on the TRIM5alpha PRYSPRY domain is required for retroviral restriction but dispensable for capsid binding.
  • Proposal for minimum information guidelines to report and reproduce results of particle tracking and motion analysis
  • QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy
  • Micro-Meta App - Electron implementation
  • Micro-Meta App-OMERO plug-in
  • WU-BIMAC/MicroMetaApp-Electron
  • Micro-Meta App - React implementation
  • Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analyses
  • OMEGA Application
  • Harmonizing the Generation and Pre-publication Stewardship of FAIR Image Data
  • Promoting adoption for Research image Data Management through education, usability, customization, added value, and automation
  • Building momentum through Networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. A report on the Latin American Bioimaging (LABI) and Bioimaging North America (BINA) 2023 meeting
  • Proposal for a Next-Generation Metadata framework
  • Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas
  • Enabling data interpretability and reuse in light microscopy through consensus building, community engagement, and a next-generation metadata framework
  • Real-world Research Data Management of the image-data life cycle: essential for FAIR data, data sharing and (open) Science
  • 4D Nucleome - Human Bio-Molecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) Cross-Consortia Collaboration

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Co-workers & collaborators

Josh Moore

Research Software Engineer - Open Microscopy Environment (OME)

Josh Moore

Caterina Strambio De Castillia's public data