- A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
- Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? Congruency Between Encoding and Testing Improves Detection of Concealed Memories
- How Vulnerable is the Reaction Time Concealed Information Test to Faking?
- How humans impair automated deception detection performance
- Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample
- An investigation of the detectability of false intent about flying
- Being accurate about accuracy in verbal deception detection
- Countering information leakage in the Concealed Information Test: The effects of item detailedness
- Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show: intentional versus instructed cheating in the Concealed Information Test
- Memory‐Based Deception Detection: Extending the Cognitive Signature of Lying From Instructed to Self‐Initiated Cheating
- Discriminating deceptive from truthful statements using the verifiability approach: A meta-analysis
- Memory Detection: Past, Present and Future
- Detecting deceptive intentions: Possibilities for large-scale applications
- Distinguishing true from false confessions using physiological patterns of concealed information recognition – A proof of concept study
- Intuitive Honesty Versus Dishonesty: Meta-Analytic Evidence
- Choose change: Situation modification, distraction, and reappraisal in mild versus intense negative situations
- Does Honesty Require Time? Two Preregistered Direct Replications of Experiment 2 of Shalvi, Eldar, and Bereby-Meyer (2012)
- It’s a match!? Appropriate item selection in the Concealed Information Test
- What Are the Core Features of Psychopathy? A Prototypicality Analysis Using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)
- The verifiability approach to deception detection: A preregistered direct replication of the information protocol condition of Nahari, Vrij, and Fisher (2014b)
- What are you hiding? Initial validation of the reaction time-based searching concealed information test
- Are dishonest politicians more likely to be reelected? A Bayesian view
- Are Speeded Tests Unfair? Modeling the Impact of Time Limits on the Gender Gap in Mathematics
- Nationality check in the face of information contamination
- Diagnosing eyewitness identifications with reaction time-based concealed information test
- Tears evoke the intention to offer social support
- A Plea for Preregistration in Personality Disorders Research: The Case of Psychopathy
- Use the best, ignore the rest
- Lie to me
- Centre for Policing and Security: Stop met het aanbieden van pseudowetenschap
- Different Target Modalities Improve the Single Probe Protocol of the Response Time-Based Concealed Information Test
- Detecting Concealed Information on a Large Scale: Possibilities and Problems
- Concealed Information Test: Theoretical Background
- How reliable are the predictors of sexual recidivism? Moral considerations can colour the judgement of proJustitia reporters,Gebruikte versus werkelijke voorspellers van seksuele recidive: Invloed van morele verwerpelijkheid op oordeel pro Justitia- rapporteurs
- The effects of attentional bias modification on emotion regulation
- Transfer of episodic self-referential memory across amnesic identities in dissociative identity disorder using the Autobiographical Implicit Association Test.
- The Role of Control in Intimate Partner Violence: A Study in Dutch Forensic Outpatients
- Failing to tell friend from foe: A comment on Wijn et al. (2017)
- Using Named Entities for Computer-Automated Verbal Deception Detection
- Using more different and more familiar targets improves the detection of concealed information
- The first direct replication on using verbal credibility assessment for the detection of deceptive intentions
- Taxing the Brain to Uncover Lying? Meta-analyzing the Effect of Imposing Cognitive Load on the Reaction-Time Costs of Lying
- Preliminary evidence for physiological markers of implicit memory
- Reaction time-based Concealed Information Test in eyewitness identification is moderated by picture similarity but not eyewitness cooperation
- Self-initiated versus instructed cheating in the physiological Concealed Information Test
- The language of lies: a preregistered direct replication of Suchotzki and Gamer (2018; Experiment 2)
- Do impression management and self-deception distort self-report measures with content of dynamic risk factors in offender samples? A meta-analytic review
- Automated verbal credibility assessment of intentions: The model statement technique and predictive modeling
- ‘Language of lies’: Urgent issues and prospects in verbal lie detection research
- What features of psychopathy might be central? A network analysis of the psychopathy checklist-revised (PCL-R) in three large samples
- Testing a potential alternative to traditional identification procedures: Reaction time-based concealed information test does not work for lineups with cooperative witnesses
- Deception detection based on neuroimaging: Better than the polygraph?
- Preliminary Process Theory does not validate the Comparison Question Test: A comment on palmatier and rovner (2015)
- A review of current evidence for the causal impact of attentional bias on fear and anxiety
- Diagnostic value of the Dutch version of the mclean screening instrument for BPD (MSI-BPD)
- The Concealed Information Test in the Laboratory Versus Japanese Field Practice: Bridging the Scientist-Practitioner Gap
- Screening individuals with pretest data improves the performance of concealed information tests
- Using the verifiability of details as a test of deception: A conceptual framework for the automation of the verifiability approach
- Leugendetectie: Hardnekkige mythes en nieuwe wetenschappelijke beloftes
- Fast-talking teens are the finest fibbers by James Gillespie
- The truth behind the biggest liars, adolescents. A study into age-related dishonesty reveals the true story, from Pinocchio to Pollard by Roger Dobson
- The Age Kids Lie the Most, According to Science by Esther Crain
- Pants on fire?
- Detection deception using psychophysiological and neural measures
- The Polygraph: Current Practice and New Approaches
- Detecting Deception: Current Challenges and Cognitive Approaches
- Detecting Deception Through Reaction Times
- Suppressing the truth as a mechanism of deception: Delta plots reveal the role of response inhibition in lying
- When deception becomes easy: The effects of task switching and goal neglect on the truth proportion effect
- Using pretest data to screen low-reactivity individuals in the autonomic-based concealed information test
- Does response distortion statistically affect the relations between self-report psychopathy measures and external criteria?
- Deception detection with behavioral, autonomic, and neural measures: Conceptual and methodological considerations that warrant modesty
- Lie, truth, lie: the role of task switching in a deception context
- The role of motivation to avoid detection in reaction time-based concealed information detection
- The Truth Comes Naturally! Does It?
- What's on your mind? Recent advances in memory detection using the concealed information test
- Orienting versus inhibition in the Concealed Information Test: Different cognitive processes drive different physiological measures
- Manipulating item proportion and deception reveals crucial dissociation between behavioral, autonomic, and neural indices of concealed information
- A strong validation of the crosswise model using experimentally-induced cheating behavior
- Being honest about dishonesty: Correlating self-reports and actual lying
- Less is more? Detecting lies in veiled witnesses
- Unraveling the roles of orienting and inhibition in the Concealed Information Test
- The cognitive mechanisms underlying deception: An event-related potential study
- Implicit and explicit measures of spider fear and avoidance behavior: Examination of the moderating role of working memory capacity
- RT-based memory detection: Item saliency effects in the single-probe and the multiple-probe protocol
- Memory detection 2.0:The first web-based memory detection test memory
- ID-Check: Online Concealed Information Test Reveals True Identity
- An investigation on the detectability of deceptive intent about flying through verbal deception detection
- Familiarity-Related Fillers Improve the Validity of Reaction Time-Based Memory Detection
- Lying takes time: A meta-analysis on reaction time measures of deception
- Increasing pressure does not benefit lie detection: a reply to Ten Brinke et al. (2015)
- Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: the role of fear of rejection and abandonment
- Lying relies on the truth
- Assessing autobiographical memory: the web-based autobiographical Implicit Association Test
- From junior to senior Pinocchio: A cross-sectional lifespan investigation of deception
- Psychopathic traits and their relationship with the cognitive costs and compulsive nature of lying in offenders
- In vino veritas? Alcohol, response inhibition and lying
- A comment on Farwell (2012): Brain fingerprinting: a comprehensive tutorial review of detection of concealed information with event-related brain potentials
- Memory detection: The effects of emotional stimuli
- The inverse relation between psychopathy and faking good: not response bias, but true variance in psychopathic personality
- Psychopathy and the detection of concealed information
- On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients
- Differential predictive power of self report and implicit measures on behavioural and physiological fear responses to spiders
- Startling secrets: Startle eye blink modulation by concealed crime information
- Negative information enhances the attentional blink in dysphoria
- Inter-identity autobiographical amnesia in patients with dissociative identity disorder
- Concealed information under stress: A test of the orienting theory in real-life police interrogations
- Validity of the modified Child Psychopathy Scale for juvenile justice center residents
- CNV, LRP, and ERN/PE effects in the Differentiation-of-Deception Paradigm
- Theory of the concealed information test
- Memory detection: Theory and application of the concealed information test
- Detecting concealed information in less than a second: Response latency-based measures
- Epilogue: Current status and future developments in CIT research and practice
- Practical guidelines for developing a CIT
- Lying and executive control: An experimental investigation using ego depletion and goal neglect
- The Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique: It's just not science. A critique to Mangan, Armitage, and Adams (2008)
- The polygraph and the detection of deception
- Dissociative symptoms and sleep parameters - An all-night polysomnography study in patients with insomnia
- Attention for emotional faces under restricted awareness revisited: Do emotional faces automatically attract attention?
- Combining physiological measures in the detection of concealed information
- Symptom Validity Testing for the detection of simulated amnesia: Not robust to coaching
- The ease of lying
- Differentiating orienting and defensive responses to concealed information: The role of verbalization
- The origin of children's implanted false memories: Memory traces or compliance?
- Effects of attention training on self-reported, implicit, physiological and behavioural measures of spider fear
- Predicting the Sensitivity of the Reaction Time-based Concealed Information Test
- Déjà vu! the effect of previewing test items on the validity of the Concealed Information polygraph Test
- The validity of finger pulse line length for the detection of concealed information
- The Psychopathic Personality Inventory: Construct validity of the two-factor structure
- Adaptive memory: Stereotype activation is not enough
- Return of fear after retrospective inferences about the absence of an unconditioned stimulus during extinction
- Does the inferior frontal sulcus play a functional role in deception? A neuronavigated theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation study
- Attention to threat in anxiety-prone individuals: Mechanisms underlying attentional bias
- Detecting concealed information with reaction times: Validity and comparison with the polygraph
- Is the diminished attentional blink for salient T2 stimuli driven by a response bias?
- Cheating the lie detector: Faking in the autobiographical implicit association test: Research Report
- Sex offender management using the polygraph: A critical review
- Reaction time measures in deception research: Comparing the effects of irrelevant and relevant stimulus-response compatibility
- Failure to loose fear: The impact of cognitive load and trait anxiety on extinction
- Limited transfer of threat bias following attentional retraining
- The Dutch version of the McLean Screening Instrument for borderline personality disorder (MSI-BPD),De Nederlandstalige versie van de McLean Screening Instrument for borderline personality disorder (MSI-BPD)
- Learning to lie: Effects of practice on the cognitive cost of lying
- The validity of the psychopathic personality inventory-revised in a community sample
- Antisociality, underarousal and the validity of the Concealed Information Polygraph Test
- A time-course analysis of attentional cueing by threatening scenes
- The Karolinska directed emotional faces: A validation study
- The role of deception in P300 memory detection
- On the costs and benefits of directing attention towards or away from threat-related stimuli: A classical conditioning experiment
- I suffer more from your pain when you act like me: Being imitated enhances affective responses to seeing someone else in pain
- Youth delinquents and mental complaints: A study with the revised Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI-2) with Flemish juvenile boys,Jeugddelinquentie en psychische klachten: Een studie met de herziene Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI-2) bij Vlaamse delinquente jongens
- An examination of word relevance in a modified stroop task in patients with chronic low back pain
- The international affective picture system: A flemish validation study
- Orienting to guilty knowledge
- Signals for threat modulate attentional capture and holding: Fear-conditioning and extinction during the exogenous cueing task
- Selective attention to threat in the dot probe paradigm: Differentiating vigilance and difficulty to disengage
- Does imminent threat capture and hold attention?
- Psychopathy and physiological detection of concealed information: A review
- Behavioural responding to concealed information: Examining the role of relevance orienting
- Psychopathic traits and autonomic responding to concealed information in a prison sample
- Psychophysiological Analysis (PSPHA): A modular script-based program for analyzing psychophysiological data
- Time-course of attention for threatening pictures in high and low trait anxiety
- Components of attentional bias to threat in high trait anxiety: Facilitated engagement, impaired disengagement, and attentional avoidance
- Autonomic and behavioral responding to concealed information: Differentiating orienting and defensive responses
- Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)
- Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979)
- Non-suicidal Self-Injury as Self-Directed Aggression in Community, Clinical and Forensic Populations
- The role of response conflict in concealed information detection with reaction times
- Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries