

  • Microplastics in the Antarctic marine system: An emerging area of research.
  • Southernmost record of the Giant Manta Ray Mobula birostris (Walbaum, 1792) in the Eastern Pacific
  • Correction to: Southernmost record of the Giant Manta Ray Mobula birostris (Walbaum, 1792) in the Eastern Pacific
  • Microplastics in the Southern Ocean
  • From an offshore artificial reef to high-altitude lakes in Peru: Successional experiments and biological inventories of poorly studied aquatic environments
  • Protecting Antarctic blue carbon: as marine ice retreats can the law fill the gap?
  • A simple in situ labelling approach and adequate tools for photo and video quadrats used in underwater ecological studies
  • Carbon storage estimation of Lessonia trabeculata kelp beds in Southern Peru: an analysis from the San Juan de Marcona region
  • Perspective: Increasing blue carbon around Antarctica is an ecosystem service of considerable societal and economic value worth protecting
  • Societal importance of Antarctic negative feedbacks on climate change: blue carbon gains from sea ice, ice shelf and glacier losses
  • Keeping Track of Scientific Dives in Countries with Incipient Diving Programmes: The Scidive Record Forms
  • Un detallado flujo de trabajo subacuático y en superficie para investigaciones en ecología marina: el caso de la evaluación de bosques submareales
  • Climate Emergency and the acute urgency of revisiting Humboldt’s holistic approach
  • On some cryptic sponges associated with Lessonia trabeculata holdfasts in the South-eastern Pacific
  • Nuestra prevalente dependencia fósil y la necesidad de basar soluciones en la naturaleza: comentarios sobre recientes publicaciones en South Sustainability
  • Growth form classification for sessile suspension feeders and their distribution in Antarctic fjord, King George Island
  • The Growing Potential of Antarctic Blue Carbon
  • Browning and blueing – what is the fate of polar coasts?
  • The estimates of carbon sequestration potential in an expanding Arctic fjord affected by dark plumes of glacial meltwater (Hornsund, Svalbard)
  • Supplementary material to "The estimates of carbon sequestration potential in an expanding Arctic fjord affected by dark plumes of glacial meltwater (Hornsund, Svalbard)"
  • Sea water temperature and light intensity at high-Arctic subtidal shallows – 16 years perspective
  • Carbon capture by stipitate kelp forests in Peru: insights from population assessment of Lessonia trabeculata at 15°S

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Co-workers & collaborators

Anna Sowa

Anna Sowa

Bernabé Moreno's public data