
Barbara McGillivray

Lecturer in digital humanities and cultural computation (Information and computing sciences; Language, communication and culture)


  • The relationship between usage and citations in an open access mega-journal
  • Topic Modelling: Hartlib’s Correspondence before and after 1650
  • A Treebank-based Study on Latin Word Order
  • The Agency of Machines: Probing the history of technology with computational linguistics
  • Quantitative Historical Linguistics
  • Uptake and outcome of manuscripts in Nature journals by review model and author characteristics
  • The citation advantage of linking publications to research data
  • Analyzing Temporal Relationships between Trending Terms on Twitter and Urban Dictionary Activity
  • McGillivray, Barbara: Methods in Latin Computational Linguistics
  • Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: “Je t’aime... Moi non plus”
  • Urban Dictionary Embeddings for Slang NLP Applications
  • The Dative Alternation Revisited: Fresh Insights from Contemporary Spoken Data
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Dictionaries (But Were Afraid to Ask): A Massive Open Online Course
  • Emo, love and god: making sense of Urban Dictionary, a crowd-sourced online dictionary
  • Enhancing Domain-Specific Supervised Natural Language Intent Classification with a Top-Down Selective Ensemble Model
  • The Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus
  • Exploiting the Web for Semantic Change Detection
  • Quantitative historical linguistics: A corpus framework by Gard B. Jenset and Barbara McGillivray
  • Computational Methods for Semantic Analysis of Historical Texts
  • Applying Language Technology in Humanities Research
  • A Distributional Semantic Methodology for Enhanced Search in Historical Records: A Case Study on Smell
  • Towards a quantitative research framework for historical disciplines
  • Computational valency lexica for Latin and Greek in use: a case study of syntactic ambiguity
  • A Corpus Approach to Roman Law Based on Justinian’s Digest
  • Data from ‘The Dative Alternation Revisited: Fresh Insights from Contemporary British Spoken Data’
  • A computational approach to lexical polysemy in Ancient Greek
  • DWUG: A large Resource of Diachronic Word Usage Graphs in Four Languages
  • Vector space models of Ancient Greek word meaning, and a case study on Homer
  • Mining the UK Web Archive for Semantic Change Detection
  • Room to Glo: A Systematic Comparison of Semantic Change Detection Approaches with Word Embeddings
  • GASC: Genre-Aware Semantic Change for Ancient Greek
  • Accessing and using a corpus-driven Latin Valency Lexicon
  • The challenges and prospects of the intersection of humanities and data science: A White Paper from The Alan Turing Institute
  • Assessing the Impact of OCR Quality on Downstream NLP Tasks
  • Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research
  • Embedding Structured Dictionary Entries
  • A new corpus annotation framework for Latin diachronic lexical semantics
  • Lemmatization for Ancient Greek
  • Living Machines: A study of atypical animacy
  • Extracting Keywords from Open-Ended Business Survey Questions
  • SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection
  • Understanding English Dictionaries: the Experience from a Massive Open Online Course
  • When Time Makes Sense: A Historically-Aware Approach to Targeted Sense Disambiguation
  • Semantic Journeys: Quantifying Change in Emoji Meaning from 2012-2018
  • DUKweb, diachronic word representations from the UK Web Archive corpus
  • HISTORIAE, History of Socio-Cultural Transformation as Linguistic Data Science. A Humanities Use Case
  • Lexical semantic change for Ancient Greek and Latin
  • D7.4 How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions
  • LL(O)D and NLP perspectives on semantic change for humanities research
  • Historic machines from 'prams' to 'Parliament': new avenues for collaborative linguistic research
  • Latin Preverbs and Verb Argument Structure: New Insights from New Methods
  • Reconstructing Constructional Semantics: The Dative Subject Construction in Od Norse-Icelandic, Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Russian and Old Lithuanian
  • Making sense through correspondence
  • Multivariate Analyses of Affix Productivity in Translated English
  • Between semantics and syntax: spatial verbs and prepositions in Latin. Space in Language.
  • Automatic Selectional Preference acquisition for Latin verbs
  • Front Matter
  • A Corpus-Based Foray into Latin Preverbs
  • Latin Computational Linguistics
  • Bibliography
  • Latin preverbs and verb argument structure
  • Multivariate analyses of affix productivity in translated English
  • Metodi in linguistica computazionale latina
  • Tools for historical corpus research, and a corpus of Latin
  • The Index Thomisticus Treebank Project. Annotation, parsing and valency lexicon
  • Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Shallow-Parsed Corpora
  • Selectional Preferences from a Latin Treebank
  • A probabilistic algorithm for the secant defect of Grassmann varieties
  • The Agonies of Choice: Automatic Selectional Preferences
  • Methods in Latin Computational Linguistics
  • Computational Resources and Tools for Latin
  • Historical Languages, Corpora, and Computational Methods
  • Verbs in Corpora, Lexicon ex machina
  • Statistical Background to the Investigation on Preverbs
  • A Closer Look at Automatic Selectional Preferences for Latin
  • Semantic structure from correspondence analysis
  • The development of the Index Thomisticus Treebank valency lexicon
  • Deep Impact: A Study on the Impact of Data Papers and Datasets in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • A Guide for Social Science Journal Editors on Easing into Open Science (FULL GUIDE)
  • (FULL GUIDE) A Guide for Social Science Journal Editors on Easing into Open Science
  • A Guide for Social Science Journal Editors on Easing into Open Science
  • The Living Machine: A Computational Approach to the Nineteenth-Century Language of Technology
  • Quantifying the quantitative (re-)turn in historical linguistics
  • Multilingual Workflows for Semantic Change Research
  • A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science
  • Contextualizing Research Tools & Services Through Workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace
  • Semantic change and socio-semantic variation: the case of COVID-related neologisms on Reddit
  • Language of Mechanisation Crowdsourcing Datasets from the Living with Machines Project
  • Natural Language Processing for Ancient Greek

Usage metrics

Co-workers & collaborators

Nilo Pedrazzini

Turing Research Fellow - London, UK

Nilo Pedrazzini

Marton Ribary

Lecturer in Law - Egham, Surrey, UK

Marton Ribary

Barbara McGillivray's public data