
Barbara Koeck

Fish Ecologist (Ecology not elsewhere classified)



  • A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high dimensional telemetry systems.
  • Correction to: A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high dimensional telemetry systems.
  • Aquatic Predators Influence Flux of Essential Micronutrients
  • Angling selects against active and stress-resilient phenotypes in rainbow trout
  • Laboratory captivity can affect scores of metabolic rates and activity in wild brown trout
  • Socially induced stress and behavioural inhibition in response to angling exposure in rainbow trout
  • ETN Valued Species and Sites Report
  • A comprehensive framework for handling location error in animal tracking data
  • Reduced exploration capacity despite brain volume increase in warm-acclimated common minnow.
  • Within-stream phenotypic divergence in head shape of brown trout associated with invasive brook trout
  • Does thermal plasticity affect susceptibility to capture in fish? Insights from a simulated trap and trawl fishery
  • Contrasting Fish Behavior in Artificial Seascapes with Implications for Resources Conservation
  • Behavioural adjustment of fish to temporal variation in fishing pressure affects catchability: an experiment with angled trout
  • Shoal familiarity modulates effects of individual metabolism on vulnerability to capture by trawling
  • Simulated Pre-Spawning Catch & Release of Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Results in Faster Fungal Spread and Opposing Effects on Female and Male Proxies of Fecundity
  • Consequences for fisheries in a multi-stressor world
  • Interspecific association of brown trout (Salmo trutta) with non-native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) at the fry stage
  • Coastal man-made habitats: Potential nurseries for an exploited fish species, Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • A Physiological Perspective on Fisheries-Induced Evolution
  • Evaluation of impact of artificial reefs on artisanal fisheries: need for complementary approaches
  • Effects of intracoelomic tagging procedure on white seabream (Diplodus sargus) behavior and survival
  • Contrasting Patterns of Phytoplankton Assemblages in Two Coastal Ecosystems in Relation to Environmental Factors (Corsica, NW Mediterranean Sea)
  • Diel and seasonal movement pattern of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus inside a marine reserve
  • Functional differences between fish communities on artificial and natural reefs: a case study along the French Catalan coast
  • Connectivity patterns of coastal fishes following different dispersal scenarios across a transboundary marine protected area (Bonifacio strait, NW Mediterranean)
  • Co-existence with non-native brook trout breaks down the integration of phenotypic traits in brown trout parr
  • Field testing a novel high residence positioning system for monitoring the fine-scale movements of aquatic organisms
  • Fisheries-induced evolution and selection on physiological traits
  • Non-invasive determination of critical dissolved oxygen thresholds for stress physiology in fish using triple-oxygen stable isotopes and aquatic respirometry
  • The role of temperature in vitality and survival assessments of beam-trawled and discarded European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
  • The interplay between sleep and ecophysiology, behaviour and responses to environmental change in fish

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Co-workers & collaborators

Libor Zavorka

Libor Zavorka

Joacim Näslund

Joacim Näslund

Barbara Koeck's public data