
Aurele Toussaint


  • Asymmetric patterns of global diversity among plants and mycorrhizal fungi
  • Extinction of threatened vertebrates will lead to idiosyncratic changes in functional diversity across the world
  • FISHMORPH: A global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes
  • Fine-root traits in the global spectrum of plant form and function
  • Erosion of global functional diversity across the tree of life
  • Contemporary environment and historical legacy explain functional diversity of freshwater fishes in the world rivers
  • Length-weight relationships of 58 fish species in French Guiana streams
  • A diagnosis-based approach to assess specific risks of river degradation in a multiple pressure context: Insights from fish communities
  • Spatial mismatch in morphological, ecological and phylogenetic diversity, in historical and contemporary European freshwater fish faunas
  • Global functional diversity of freshwater fish is concentrated in the Neotropics while functional vulnerability is widespread
  • Non-native species led to marked shifts in functional diversity of the world freshwater fish faunas
  • A functional vulnerability framework for biodiversity conservation
  • Dark diversity at home describes the success of cross-continent tree invasions
  • Global database of plants with root-symbiotic nitrogen fixation: NodDB
  • Worldwide freshwater fish homogenization is driven by a few widespread non-native species
  • Historical assemblage distinctiveness and the introduction of widespread non-native species explain worldwide changes in freshwater fish taxonomic dissimilarity
  • Combining taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity reveals new global priority areas for tetrapod conservation
  • Mapping extinction risk in the global functional spectra across the tree of life
  • Why do plants silicify?
  • Non-native bird species will not compensate for the loss of phylogenetic and functional diversity after the extinction of threatened species
  • Reply to: The importance of trait selection in ecology
  • Threatened fish species in the Northeast Atlantic are functionally rare
  • Contrasting impacts of non-native and threatened species on morphological, life-history, and phylogenetic diversity in birds' assemblages.
  • Contrasting impacts of non‐native and threatened species on morphological, life history, and phylogenetic diversity in bird assemblages
  • Global patterns and determinants of multiple facets of plant diversity

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