Physicist, associate professor at the Federal University of ABC, worked as a CNR researcher and did his postdoctoral studies at the National Nanotechnology Laboratories from the Institute of Nanoscience (Italy), doctorate and master's degree from the State University of Campinas, physicist from the University of Brasilia. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Optical and Electronic Spectroscopy, committee member of the Bachelor of Physics and Graduate Studies in Nanoscience and Advanced Materials program, member of the Optical Society of America (OSA) acting in the technical group of Optical Cooling and Trapping, ambassador of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). Has experience in physics, with emphasis on interactions of matter with radiation, acting on the following topics: optical tweezers, spectroscopy, multi-photon, biophysics, polymeric materials, quantum dots systems, nano-structured materials, in addition to automation and instrumentation.

Antonio Neves's public data