Academic degrees: 1999 PhD “Modelling of the lower atmosphere disturbance associated with solar activity variations” Department of Earth’s Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia Supervisor: Michael Pudovkin Scientific area: Geliophysics and Physics of the solar system 1996 Master of Science in Physics “Variation of the temperature altitude profile in troposphere during energetic SPE” Department of Earth’s Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Supervisor: Michael Pudovkin Scientific area: Physics of Earth and Planets 1993 Bachelor of Science, Physics “Variations of atmosphere height temperature profile due to changes of transparency” Department of Earth’s Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Supervisor: Michael Pudovkin Scientific area: Physics of Earth Previous activity and current status 01.04.2011-31.03.2014 FCT post-doc, SFRH/BPD/74812/2010 Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Coimbra 01.03.2009-31.03.2011 Visiting Astronomer Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra 01.06.2008-31.03.2009 Researcher Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia 01.01.2003-30.06.2008 Maternal leave while living abroad - 01.09.2002-31.12.2002 Researcher Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia 01.09.1999-31.08.2002 Assistant Lecturer Physics Faculty, St. Petersburg State University, Russia 01.10.1999-31.12.1999 Invited researcher Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Correction of artificial jumps in the historical geomagnetic measurements of Coimbra Observatory, Portugal DOI: doi:10.5194/angeo-32-19-2014
  • Homogenization of Portuguese long-term temperature data series: Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto DOI: 10.5194/essd-4-187-2012
  • Homogenization of Portuguese long-term temperature data series: Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto DOI: 10.5194/essdd-5-521-2012
  • Homogenization of Portuguese long-term temperature data series: Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto. DOI: 10.5194/essd-4-187-2012
  • Long-term trends and variations of the Iberian climate: effect of atmospheric circulation, CO2, volcanoes and geomagnetic and solar activity
  • On homogenization of Portuguese meteorological and geophysical data
  • Long-time temperature variations in Portugal over the last 140 years and the effect of the solar activity ARXIV: 1009.0768v1 []
  • Solar activity and its influence on the Vuoksa River flow: possibilities for water management and forecasting ISBN: 952-458-260-0. -
  • Variations of atmospheric pressure during solar proton events and Forbush decreases for different latitudinal and synoptic zones
  • ., Solar activity and its influence on Vuoksa river flow: possibilities for long scale forecasting and management in development of recreation and tourists objects
  • Geological environmental monitoring of the catchment areas of waterworks: consideration of the effect of solar activity
  • Solar activity and its influence on river's flow (North-West Russia): possibilities for water management and forecasting
  • Variations meteorological parameters during Forbush-decreases for high-latitude stations
  • Variations of altitudinal profiles of temperature, pressure, and wind velocity during Forbush-decreases for high-latitude stations
  • Variations of atmospheric parameters during SPE and Forbush-decreases studied for different climate zones
  • Variations of the number of weak and strong earthquakes for 1997-1998 years and their possible precursors DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1917(01)95028-7
  • Climate in central europe in the 16th-20th centuries and secular variations in solar activity
  • Effect of the forced atmospheric transparency changes on the troposphere temperature profile studied with atmospheric models
  • Eleven-year climatic variations in Switzerland from 1700 through 1989 and solar activity
  • Variations of the cosmic ray fluxes as a possible earthquake precursor DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1895(00)00050-8
  • Modelling of the lower atmosphere disturbance associated with solar activity variations
  • Effect of space factors on earthquake’s occurrence
  • Evolution features of solar activity cycles
  • Manifestations of the 22-year solar activity cycle in the variations of the temperature and humidity indices in Switzerland from 1700 to 1989
  • Modeling of the cosmic rays effect on the lower atmosphere
  • Secular variation of the temperature, pressure, and precipitation 11-year cycle in the USA for period 1700-1988 associated with the changes of the solar activity
  • Sun-Weather connection
  • Time variation of atmospheric pressure and circulation associated with temperature changes during Solar Proton Events DOI: 10.1016/S1364-6826(98)00150-3
  • Solar activity and variations of the temperature and precipitation indices in the Switzerland from 1525 to the 1989
  • Time evolution of the temperature altitudinal profile in the lower atmosphere during solar proton events
  • Variations of the altitudinal temperature profile in the lower atmosphere during the solar proton events
  • Separation of the daily quiet variation from the geomagnetic field observations with the principal component analysis
  • Variations of TEC over Iberian Peninsula in 2015: effects of geomagnetic storms, solar flares, and solar eclipse
  • Updating datasets of ionospheric parameters provided by SCINDA GNSS receiver from Lisbon airport area with full data sets for 2014-2019
  • Comparison of the performance of PCA-NN models for daily mean TEC over the Iberian Peninsula: the role of space weather parameters as predictors for TEC
  • "SCINDA-Iono" toolbox for MATLAB: analysis of ionosphere scintillations
  • Ionosphere Variability II: Advances in theory and modeling
  • Variations of TEC over Iberian Peninsula in 2015: geomagnetic storms, solar flares, solar eclipse
  • Variations of TEC over Iberian Peninsula in 2015 due to geomagnetic storms and solar flares
  • Temperature and pressure variability in mid-latitude low atmosphere and stratosphere-ionosphere coupling
  • ORCA (Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory): 2018 latitudinal survey, preliminary results
  • Scanning the crust with magnetospheric currents,
  • Datasets of the solar quiet (Sq) and solar disturbed (SD) variations of the geomagnetic field from the mid latitudinal Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra (Portugal) obtained by different methods
  • Ionosphere Variability I: Advances in observational, monitoring and detection capabilities
  • Ionosphere over Eastern North Atlantic Midlatitudinal Zone during Geomagnetic Storms
  • Different types of PCA-NN model for TEC with space weather parameters as predictors: advantages and disadvantages of different NN algorithms
  • The ORCA detector at JCI-BAE
  • Different forcings of the climatic variations: causal links
  • Reply to Dr. Vadim Soldatov (essd-2020-317-RC2)
  • Cosmic Ray Observations from Livingston Island
  • ORCA 2018 latitudinal survey
  • Principal Component Analysis As a Tool to Extract Sq Variation from the Geomagnetic Field Observations: Conditions of Applicability
  • Principal component analysis to separate different ionospheric and magnetospheric contributions to the geomagnetic field variations
  • Ionospheric and cosmic ray variations coupled with stratospheric modes in middle latitudes
  • The Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra (COI): operating status and future developments
  • ORCA: Future Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory
  • Variations of the ionospheric total electron content over Portugal Continental and Azores
  • From geomagnetic observations at COI to GICs in the Portuguese power system network
  • Ionosphere vertical TEC calculated from GNSS receiver data in Lisbon: comparison with observations
  • Scanning the crust with magnetospheric currents
  • Separation of different ionospheric and magnetospheric contribution to the geomagnetic filed variations
  • Datasets of ionospheric parameters provided by SCINDA GNSS receiver from Lisbon airport area
  • Datasets of the solar quiet (Sq) and solar disturbed (SD) variations of the geomagnetic field at a midlatitudinal station in Europe obtained by different methods
  • Modeling of TEC over the Iberian Peninsula using PCA decomposition and multiple linear regression on space weather parameters
  • Total Electron Content PCA-NN Prediction Model for South-European Middle Latitudes
  • Comparison of the performance of PCA-NN and PCA-MRM models for TEC over the Iberian Peninsula
  • Principal component analysis as a tool to extract Sq variation from the geomagnetic field observations: conditions of applicability
  • PCA-MRM Model to Forecast TEC at Middle Latitudes
  • Principal component analysis as a tool to extract Sq variation from the geomagnetic field observations: Conditions of applicability
  • Temperature and pressure variability in mid-1 latitude low atmosphere and stratosphere-ionosphere coupling
  • SCINDA-Iono" toolbox for MATLAB: analysis of ionosphere scintillations
  • Ionosphere monitoring over the Continental Portugal and Azores with GNSS receivers
  • Modeling of TEC over the Iberian Peninsula using PCA decomposition, linear regression and neural networks
  • Separation of the daily quiet variation from the geomagnetic field observations with the principal component analysis
  • Correlation of solar activity and solar wind structures with geomagnetic, ionospheric and cosmic-ray ground-data from Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands Observatories
  • Homogenization of the historical series from the Coimbra Magnetic Observatory, Portugal
  • Supplementary material to "Homogenization of the historical series from the Coimbra Magnetic Observatory, Portugal"
  • The solar quiet variation observed near the vortex focus: effect of the geomagnetic activity and vortex dynamics on the Sq extraction
  • Reply to Dr. Mioara Mandea (essd-2020-317-RC1)
  • Homogenization of the historical series from the Coimbra Magnetic Observatory, Portugal
  • Relating 27-Day Averages of Solar, Interplanetary Medium Parameters, and Geomagnetic Activity Proxies in Solar Cycle 24
  • On homogenization of Portuguese meteorological and geophysical data
  • Manifestations of the 22-year solar activity cycle in the variations of the temperature and humidity indices in Switzerland from 1700 to 1989
  • TRAGALDABAS: A new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays
  • Aerosols over continental Portugal (1978-1993): Their sources and an impact on the regional climate
  • TRAGALDABAS: A new high resolution detector for the regular study of cosmic rays
  • Variations of the number of weak and strong earthquakes for 1997-1998 years and their possible precursors
  • Correction of artificial jumps in the historical geomagnetic measurements of Coimbra Observatory, Portugal
  • Effect of the forced atmospheric transparency changes on the troposphere temperature profile studied with atmospheric models
  • Long-time temperature variations in Portugal over the last 140 years and the effect of the solar activity
  • Hourly values of X, Y and Z geomagnetic components recorded at the Coimbra magnetic station (IAGA code: COI) for 2007 to 2014
  • Long-term trends and variations of the Iberian climate: effect of atmospheric circulation, CO2, volcanoes and geomagnetic and solar activity
  • Solar activity and Earth's weather. Effect of the forced atmospheric transparency changes on the troposphere temperature profile studied with atmospheric models
  • Co-variability of the atmospheric and geophysical parameters in mid-latitude troposphere
  • On homogenization of Portuguese meteorological and geophysical data series
  • Using Magnetograms to Understand and Probe the Magnetosphere
  • The role of climatic forcings in variations of Portuguese temperature: A comparison of spectral and statistical methods
  • TRAGALDABAS. First results on cosmic ray studies and their relation with the solar activity, the Earth magnetic field and the atmospheric properties
  • Homogenization of the historical records of geomagnetic field components and geomagnetic K-index of the Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra
  • The Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra (COI): Past, Present operating Status and Future Developments
  • A proposal for a Magnetic Observatory in Honduras,
  • A proposal for a Magnetic Observatory in Honduras
  • Effect of space factors on earthquake’s occurrence
  • Variations of the geomagnetic field and cosmic ray flux in relation to the variability modes of the mid-latitude troposphere
  • Different forcings and their effect on temperature variations in Portugal: volcanic eruptions, anthropogenic aerosols, atmospheric circulation and solar activity
  • Characterization of different magnetospheric and ionospheric contributions at mid-latitude magnetic observatories
  • Solar activity and its influence on the Vuoksa River flow: possibilities for water management and forecasting
  • Geological environmental monitoring of the catchment areas of waterworks: consideration of the effect of solar activity
  • Solar activity and its influence on river's flow (North-West Russia): possibilities for water management and forecasting
  • Variations of atmospheric pressure during solar proton events and Forbush decreases for different latitudinal and synoptic zones
  • Variations meteorological parameters during Forbush-decreases for high-latitude stations
  • Homogenization of Portuguese long-term temperature data series: Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto
  • Analysis of solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic parameters during solar cycle 24
  • The role of climatic forcings in long-term variations of the Portuguese temperature: A comparison of different mathematical methods
  • The role of aerosol forcing in the variations of Portuguese temperature parameters
  • Variations of atmospheric parameters during SPE and Forbush-decreases studied for different climate zones
  • Solar and volcanic effect on Iberian climate: preliminary analysis
  • Variations of altitudinal profiles of temperature, pressure, and wind velocity during Forbush-decreases for high-latitude stations
  • Modelling of the lower atmosphere disturbance associated with solar activity variations
  • Solar activity and its influence on Vuoksa river flow: possibilities for long scale forecasting and management in development of recreation and tourists objects
  • Variability modes in core flows inverted from geomagnetic field models
  • Climate in central europe in the 16th-20th centuries and secular variations in solar activity
  • Eleven-year climatic variations in Switzerland from 1700 through 1989 and solar activity
  • Variations of the cosmic ray fluxes as a possible earthquake precursor
  • Evolution features of solar activity cycles
  • Earth Magnetic Fields Homogenization of the historical records of geomagnetic field components and geomagnetic K-index of the Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra
  • Using magnetograms to understand and probe the magnetosphere
  • ORCA: A new instrument for Space Weather
  • The Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra (COI): Past, Present operating Status and Future Developments
  • Modes of temperature and pressure variability in midlatitude troposphere and lower stratosphere in relation to cosmic ray variations
  • Supplementary material to "Aerosols over Continental Portugal (1978–1993): their sources and an impact on the regional climate"
  • Time variation of atmospheric pressure and circulation associated with temperature changes during Solar Proton Events
  • Variations of the altitudinal temperature profile in the lower atmosphere during the solar proton events
  • Modeling of the cosmic rays effect on the lower atmosphere
  • Secular variation of the temperature, pressure, and precipitation 11-year cycle in the USA for period 1700-1988 associated with the changes of the solar activity
  • Solar activity and variations of the temperature and precipitation indices in the Switzerland from 1525 to the 1989
  • Sun-Weather connection
  • Time evolution of the temperature altitudinal profile in the lower atmosphere during solar proton events
  • Geomagnetic activity at Northern Hemisphere's mid-latitude ground stations: How much can be explained using TS05 model
  • Regional TEC models for Portugal
  • TEC variations for different locations (Continent and Islands)
  • Ionosphere scintillations
  • Scintillations in the Southern Europe during the geomagnetic storm of June 2015: analysis of a plasma bubbles spill-off using local data
  • Supplementary material to "Aerosols over Continental Portugal (1978–1993): their sources and an impact on the regional climate"

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