Andy Stock
Postdoctoral research scientist (Human geography not elsewhere classified; Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)
New York City, NY, USA
- Iterative spatial leave-one-out cross-validation and gap-filling based data augmentation for supervised learning applications in marine remote sensing
- Exploring multiple stressor effects with Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace: Research designs, modeling techniques, and future directions
- Supporting interdisciplinary careers for sustainability
- Open Source Software for Mapping Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems with an Additive Model
- Effects of model assumptions and data quality on spatial cumulative human impact assessments
- Mapping ecological indicators of human impact with statistical and machine learning methods: Tests on the California coast
- Relative impacts of multiple human stressors in estuaries and coastal waters in the North Sea–Baltic Sea transition zone
- Satellite mapping of Baltic Sea Secchi depth with multiple regression models
- Potential for cumulative effects of human stressors on fish, sea birds and marine mammals in Arctic waters
- Uncertainty analysis and robust areas of high and low modeled human impact on the global oceans
- Accuracy of Empirical Satellite Algorithms for Mapping Phytoplankton Diagnostic Pigments in the Open Ocean: A Supervised Learning Perspective
- Spatiotemporal distribution of labeled data can bias the validation and selection of supervised learning algorithms: A marine remote sensing example
- Crossing natural and data set boundaries: coastal terrain modelling in the South-West Finnish Archipelago
- Comparison of Cloud-Filling Algorithms for Marine Satellite Data
- Data leakage jeopardizes ecological applications of machine learning
- From land to deep sea: A continuum of cumulative human impacts on marine habitats in Atlantic Canada